Return to Riverwood

Start from the beginning

"Farkas! That's cold!!" She squealed, and began trying to splash him back.

"That's the idea!" Farkas laughed, splashing her again. Duna squealed and laughed, and they quickly got into a splashing-fight. His larger hands were definitely giving him the advantage and it wasn't long before Duna began running up stream, trying to find a different tactic... making him run after her so he effectively splashed himself as he tried to keep up... but Farkas could run much faster without his armor and with her slowing down as she hit deeper water, he caught up to her much quicker than she anticipated. She screamed with laughter as he caught her around the waist, his large hands brushing across some ticklish spots on her sides.

"Hold your breath," he warned with a wolffish grin as he pulled her into even deeper water.

"What? No!"

She started to squirm in his grasp but Farkas easily lifted her to his chest and he heard her take a deep breath before he plunged them both backwards into the water. He was careful to fall backwards to keep her protected just incase he hadn't noticed any rocks underneath. He only stayed under for a brief moment before kicking back up, a smug grin on his face.

"You ass!" She spluttered as soon as they came back to the surface. For a moment Farkas was afraid she was actually mad, but then she laughed and playfully punched him in the arm, and he laughed too. She reached down and splashed another handful of water in his face, and Farkas laughed again. With his hands still around her waist, Farkas grinned down at her and began to tickle her sides. Duna squealed with laughter and began to squirm in his grasp. Farkas wrapped one arm around her waist to hold her in place while he kept tickling. Duna squealed louder and began kicking, splashing the water. She began reaching around his sides, trying to find similar ticklish spots on him... her hands running across his chest, stomach, and sides did tickle, but it was also incredibly arousing. He shifted to hold her higher so she wouldn't brush against his lap, but she took that as him trying to hide his ticklish spots so she began reaching lower down his sides.

Farkas was just starting to consider listening to his wolf spirit's ideas of distracting her with a kiss, when a sound caught his ear, killing the mood instantly... the rallying howl of hunting pack of wolves. Then he could hear and smell several of them running through the trees, no doubt drawn by the noise they were making.

Farkas swore, firmly stopping their interaction but keeping his one arm firmly around Duna. Duna froze, instantly picking up on Farkas's shift in attention.

Farkas swore again. All of their armor was down stream... along with all their weapons. How could he have gotten them into a situation so stupid? He waded quickly to the opposite bank at set Duna down. Should he transform? Could they run back to their weapons in time?

Thoughts raced through his head as Duna took off at a run back towards their horses and belongings and Farkas followed without hesitation.

There were about six wolves... Farkas would have been more than confident they could defeat six wolves, if they'd had their weapons.

"Divines let this work..." Farkas heard Duna mutter under her breath. Her hands began to glow with a purple light and there was suddenly a glowing, dark purple daedric bow in her right hand, and an arrow appeared in her left.

"Keep going," she called to Farkas as she slowed to take aim at the advancing wolves. By then Farkas could see his armor and gear pack near where they'd been eating and he sprinted to it. He turned back around in time to see Duna shout fire at one wolf, and she had already killed two of the wolves with her conjured arrows. Farkas reached into his pack and grabbed the first weapon handle his hand touched.

A massive fireball shot from the dragon priest's staff, engulfing two of the wolves just as Duna put a dark purple arrow through the throat of the last one.

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