Untitled Part 23

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Love will hurt. 

I promise. 

It is going to sink its teeth into your most vulnerable places and laugh when you bleed. It's going to hit you like a truck. Drown you in the bathtub. Shoot you when your back is turned. Hang you in your sleep. It's going to hit you and burn you and crush you until you ask why this is even happening. 


Your outlook will change. 

The pain is more than worth what you get back. 

For the pain is but  a stab to a heart that is protected by love. Love is an armour that will surround your heart, will enforce the stereotype of it all being worth it. 


When a love isn't real. 

When your love breaks your heart. 

That is when the pain will hold you, cradle you, and then destroy you. 

Cutting you out of every breath and then continueing to break you. 

Even more than that, 

Your thoughts

Your memories

Your ideas - 

Well, really...

You break yourself.

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