Chapter Thrity-Six: Getting Our Books Back

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Natsuki didn't turn her head to face Yuri, but gave her a quick side glance. "Well, at least they aren't that heavy! It gets discouraging to read, knowing you'll have to find a table to set it down to read at or suffer the pain of holding it!"

"It's not a dictionary. You'll be fine." Yuri replies coldly, adjusting her purple hair clip.

"Well, it might as well be!" Natsuki hissed, now turning around to face the taller girl. "There are so many pages, all filled with extra, useless, long words that add nothing but confusion to the plot!"

Sayori chuckled nervously. "Woah, alright guys-"

"Just because they don't have pictures doesn't mean the words are useless." Yuri replied, glaring at the pinkette. "And there's a reason why books with pictures are usually for small children."

"Are you calling me dumb?!" Natsuki gasped.

Sayori quickly intervened by running in the middle of the arguing pair, her hands out in front of her. "Wait, wait, stop! Please! Hold on a second!"

Natsuki crossed her arms. "Yeah, Sayori and Monika would surely agree with me, right?"

Sayori's face drops in dread as I flinch. I may be a good leader, but handling people is not my thing; usually it's up to Sayori.

"So you're dragging them in now?" Yuri questioned.

Before Natsuki could reply, Sayori spoke loudly, "No! You see, both paperback and hardcover books are good for different reasons, so please stop arguing!"

Natsuki huffed, stalking towards the door. "Fine. I want breakfast anyways."

I sigh in relief as Sayori gives me a thumbs up.

Breakfast was fine. Sasha and her minions didn't bother us, (thankfully,) and we explained to the four guys that we might be coming back to normal classes.

"Aww sweet!" Adrien exclaims. "That'll be awesome!"

"That was some fast training," Oliver said, laughing. "That only lasted for a few days."

"Yeah, some things came up.." I laugh nervously, glancing off to the side.

"Well cool." Ace adds. "Let's just hope you don't burn down the science lab next!"

The boys laughed, making me and Sayori force a laughter. Science lab? We didn't have one of those back at our old school.

"Okay, we'll stop by the office first." I explain as we walk down the hallways to enter the main room.

"Ugh, I don't wanna go back there." Natsuki grumbled.

"Me either.." Sayori adds quietly, her gaze focused on her shoes.

"We have to know if we got back in or not." I reason.

Sayori looks up at me, her blue eyes sparkling in the morning light that the windows let in. "What if we don't? How do we practice our magic if we don't make it back in."

"I doubt that would be the case." Yuri says, her eyes thoughtful. "They can't just send us back because after coming in, no new witch is allowed back to the real world. If they really didn't want us, they would either send us off to be homeschooled, or they would kill us."

Sayori gasps and begins to tremble. "K-kill?!"

"Oh no.." Natsuki muttered. "She has a point! We're done for!"

I stop walking and stare back at them in confusion, watching as Natsuki dramatically falls on to her knees, her hands clutching her head.

"This is horrible! It was nice knowing you three while it lasted!"

"Natsuki, get up." Yuri said coldly. "We need to go."

"Ah- but I can never!" Natsuki sighs loudly. "The world is so cruel sometimes!"

Yuri rolls her eyes, and begins walking away, towards the office. Smirking, I watch as Natsuki stumbles back up to her feet to catch her.

Sayori and I both share a laugh, and follow from behind.

When we arrive in the main part of the office, the busy receptionist glares over at us through piles of paper. She sighs in frustration and turned to face us.

"What?" She asks rudely. She's obviously had a bad morning.

I step forward to face her across from her messy desk. "Could we talk to-"

"Ah, girls."

Our attention is caught by the headmistress who is standing by the doorframe of her office. "Come in. We must discuss your classes."

Hesitantly we follow her and make our way into her office, the room where last time we got scolded. Quietly we each sit down on each of the chairs across from her desk.

She sits down and glared at us. "So, Mrs. Smith had a word with me yesterday."

"And?" Natsuki urges her to go on. "What'd she say?"

"She believes that you four can come back without destroying another classroom." She hissed.

"And what do you think?" I ask, apprehensive.

She stays silent for a moment before sighing.

"..Fine. You can stay, and attend classes here again."

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ