Extra: Artificial quirks

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*Setting: A few months after Izuku became the leader of the league.*


The scientists whirled around, clipboards in hand to the familiar sight of a 16 year old boy, hands clasped behind his back as he gazed at the various vats aceoss the room. The head doctor stepped forward, offering his hand.

"Hello sir."

Izuku took it, before stepping over to one of the glass tubes, a blue liquid bubbling inside. "There's no need for the sir, you can just call me Izuku. Anyway, how's it going?"

The doctor rubbed the back of his head. "Since you asked us to use deceased corpses, it has been a lot harder than usual. However, we are making progress with understanding the quantum mechanics of quirks and their yield."


The doctor walked up to one of the people in the vats. It was a recently deceased woman in her 20's, who was killed in a gang war. "We created a substance that gives people extreme resistance to quirks. As we know, quirks are a mutation in the gene code, so we are attempting to re-write the code in order to assess the change of atomic composition in the body."

"We found that many exhibited a change appearance and the genome. Even though we can't change DNA itself, we found it can be manipulated by gene mutation though the phenotype will not change. We are attempting to create artificial quirks which can be planted into the Nomus then are passed down the generation, where the phenotype can be expressed. Now we can understand the genome and we can influence its mutations, it should allow us to copy that code to create new quirks. Although, we have been unsuccessful implanting the test quirks into organic tissue, as it caused it to necrose and die."

Izuku frowned, placing his hand on the vat. The woman was curled up into a ball, wires protruding from the body. Her eyes were clenched shut. "How about implanting it into weapons?"

"I beg you pardon?"

"If it is possible to create these artificial quirks into solid form, why not convert them into weapons?"

"But, how can we convert gene mutations into a solid form?"

"Place the mutation into a vector, like a plasmid, and allow it to take over one of the Nomu's body. Then extract the blood and solidify it. Some quirks exist and can be presented through blood, so try and use that with iron to create weapons. It can act as a back-up until we can fully understand artificial quirks."

The doctors looked across to each other, all with the same awe-struck look. If they could harness the properties of artificial quirks in solid form, quirkless people in the league would be far more powerful. "Okay, so who should we use?"

One of the doctors pointed to a 17 year old in one of the vats. "I would say him. He was quirkless so it won't interfere with the takeover process. Also, he hasn't gone through full puberty as he is still a teenager, so external stimuli is able to change his body easier than an adults."

Izuku nodded, walking over to the boy. He looked on the personal details, stuck onto the vat. "'An orphan and was bullied into taking his own life: No external injuries to organ/muscle material.'. Yes, it seems he would be a good candidate. External injuries could mean additional bacteria which could kill the vector. Alright, resume testing tomorrow. For now, I'll give you an early release. Thank you for your work."

The doctors nodded with a bow, before leaving. Izuku rolled his eyes with a smile. "Really, I've told them so many times not to treat me like that."

Izuku turned back to the boy in the tube. His face seemed far more peaceful now than what it could of been. Izuku frowned, placing a hand in the glass. It's cold surface surprised Izuku slightly. "I'm sorry about this. I don't like using people like you. But, its better than using people who were already alive."

Most of the people in the tubes either had no family or were disowned. Many were also part of the league, who died on missions and were brought back for this specific purpose. Izuku made it a point after taking over the league not to use live subject, unless they, more than anything, deserved it

It was very likely these weapons wouldn't be ready until the far future. With the idea of war circling around his head, Izuku knew that it would interrupt the research of quirks. He had heard of a gang leader who specialised in the removal or deactivation of quirks, so he was planning a visit there soon.

"Oi, Izuku!"

Izuku whirled around to a familiar blonde girl bounding into the room, near tackling Izuku in a hug. Izuku rubbed the back of his head with a sigh. "Hey Toga. What are you doing here, I thought you were with Compress?"

"I don't know if you noticed, but that guy has a tendency of going on a rant about professionalism so I kinda snuck away."

Izuku chuckled, nudging Toga off of him, and walked over to the computer in the room. Toga shuffled over, squinting at the screen.

"Can you understand that, because all I see are a bunch of numbers..."

"Bits and pieces. I was taught a bit of code during my time with brokers."

"And for what reason? So you could go all James Bond on them?"

"Yes and no. Just the basics of code breaking and the like. But, no, I'm not exactly spy material."

"Due to the amount of times you snuck into UA, it would be hard to say you're not at this point."

"True, though I kinda just teleported in."

"Better than some people. Remember when Twice tried to sneak the tequila out from the bar."

"Right, and nearly set it on fire. Good times."

Izuku pressed enter on the computer, then closed it. He stretched his arms above his head, before making his way to the doorway. Toga narrowed her eyes, running to catch up to him. "What was that about?"

"Nothing much. Just did a basic safeguarding measure on the computer."

"Why though?"

"Well, there is someone missing from the league who can teleport. I'm not taking any chances at the moment."

Toga paused, then nodded. "Right, gotcha."

Toga smiled to herself, grabbed Izuku's hand, pulling him down the corridor. "Come on! Let's go and have a bit of fun. You've been working all day after all."

Izuku rolled his eyes with a smile, running to keep pace.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming."

Authors note:
okay so the concert episode of mha has solidified Eri as best girl fight me.

Anyway, hope you are having a good day if you have been quarantined. It sucks, but if you are a weeb gremlin like moi then you have an advantage, since we never leave anyway.

Have a good day my dudes :)

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