Act normal- NO

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Author side note- Hai! Wanted to point out that there will also be a narrator POV. Just so you don't get too confused. ^^



Mitch and Jerome decided to try and act normal like each other.  If anyone found out, it'll be crazy. Ryan finally woke up. "You okay?" Asked Mitch in Jerome's body. "Yeah - I have no idea." Ryan sighed. "Okay.  How did this happen?" It might've been when we were in that accident. We don't know anything else." Said Jerome. Ryan looked like he was thinking really hard. He was just trying to stay calm.


"Hey.. Jerome." He looked at me while he was making dinner. "We are so dead." "Aw. Don't worry Mitch.  we've been friends for years. I think we can pull this off." He answered.  "That's not it." I told him. "Oh. Then what is it?" "We were suppose to do our 400th hunger games. We. Are. Dead!" Jerome froze with the frying pan. We both raced to the room and instantly started to record and play. "Are you gonna do the intro?" He asked me. "Okay." I started. "Hey guys it's Mi- Jerome and today we are playing the Hunger Gaaammmess! With... uh.. Mitch." Luckily, we were able to oddly finished the 1 hour recording. Whew! That's out of the way.


Thank God we pulled that off! Now we had our next problem.  The dudes want to throw a small party celebrating Mitch and I being okay from the crash. We both got dressed and saw we were wearing clothes that didn't suit each other. "Mitch! You need to wear what I wear!" I told him. "Oh yeah..." Said Mitch.

There was a knock on the door. It was the guys! We started to panic. "Okay! Okay, don't worry! Ryan knows. He can help, just act like yourself. Or like each other or like me and I you- look just stay calm." We relaxed a bit and went to the door. Mitch opened it and shouted "Heyo!" I started to get nervous. Only I say that!  "Jerome, why you trying to act like Mitch?" Asked Vik.  "Uhh... he just wants to be me." Everyone laughed. We both did that kind of laugh were you're like "hahaha I'm so dead and guilty.."(Something like that).

They unpacked the goods and started the movie. "Okay guys, what do you guys wanna watch first, Horror, drama, or humorous.?"Said Preston."Horror!" Said Mitch. "Humorous! " I said. Everyone stared. "Are you guys trying to prank us or something? It's like you guys switched bodies!"  "What? No! That's crazy!" We both shouted. Everyone had a surprise expression on their face. "Dude.  It was a joke." Explained Rob. (Imagine the cricket sound right now)

After we watched movies and got sick of junk food, everyone left except Ryan. "Dude! You guys have to do better!" Ryan shouted. "We know, we know.  It just slips out sometimes. We're not pros at this you know." Said mitch in my high voice. "Wow. Even I can't reach that note." I said. "Anyways, Ryan don't worry. Will work on it." "Good. I'm going now, bye." And Ryan left the house. "We got this. We just need to not be ourselves but act like each other and we know each other pretty dang well." Said Mitch. We both smiled. After we went to sleep.

Hope you like it so far! Leave some small problems they can run into in the comments!  Thanks! Please share! ♡

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