Lock the door, Deep breaths

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It was the same old classic bust; some old museum had been getting frequent visits from a Class 2 vapor during the week before.
They got called in right after lunch break by a desperate sounding palaeontologist, so they suited up and headed over. It was all very common, the most average, routine like bust they could get called for.
So, of course, Erin Gilbert got slimed.

On their way out of the facility, Jillian voiced out a couple jokes about her fellow ghostbuster having to take the subway back to the fire station. Jokes which were less than appreciated by the slimed physicist.

As soon as they stepped foot back into the firehouse, Erin headed straight upstairs to the showers. Holtzmann followed suit, stocking the proton packs back in the lockers and settling back into her lab.
The quirky engineer sat down just in time to watch as Gilbert grabbed the baby powder from her locker; it's the main ingredient of her much tested procedure on successfully removing all traces of slime found glued to her body. It was crazy gross, but crazy effective.

While Erin is in the shower, a task at hand, Holtz gets back to a couple new gadgets she'd been designing over the past month.
That is, until she hears light barefooted steps and the swing of a door. The blonde mindlessly glances up from her desk only to be faced by a dripping half naked Erin Gilbert, just casually leaving the bathroom.

The tall brunette has her eyes on the screen of her phone and her free hand lightly holds her towel to her ribs. As she obliviously leans against the door frame, one of the strips of her bra falls over her shoulder and small droplets of water run down her hair over to her neck.
Eyes going wide, Jillian automatically gawks, "Wow, I'm gay."

At that, Erin looks up from her phone, humming in question, "Mm? What was that?"
"I said, out of my way", Holtz rapidly stammers, blushing furiously as she rushes to the bathroom herself, eyes glued to the floor, aggressively bumping against Gilbert's side on her way, "Nerd."

It takes the engineer a good couple of minutes of splashing water onto her face before she manages to recompose herself and muster the courage reenter the lab.
She inhales, she exhales, she swings the door open, she takes wide heavy steps, and she- Damn it, Gilbert, won't you put a shirt on?!
And back into the bathroom she goes, lock the door, deep breaths.

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