Chapter 3:Intertwined fate

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"Oh mademoiselle, forgive me for not introducing my self. My name is Enjolras Apollo.", he said. Unfortunately like a bumbling idiot I mumbled 'Maria Eleanor Elizabeth Capet' incoherently. He then replied "I beg your pardon mademoiselle but I believe I didn't catch you're name". But my feeling of being love struck got the best of me so I said

"I believe I didn't throw it monsieur."

I gasped the apologized as fast as I possibly can. I the said "My name is Maria Eleanor Elizabeth Capet. Please also forgive me for my rudeness.". He then looked at me with a face of shock before disappointment. I figured out that he found out that I was a relative of King Louis XVI. "Oh please monsieur I tell you I despise my idiot of a relative." I said. His marble features then softened and he let me took a hold of his arm. While walking to the cafe we made small talk. We arrived through the door where I saw someone in a blue-green waist coat wiggle his eyebrows suggestively at Enjolras. Me and the man of marble sat down at a table but I couldn't help wonder why the surname Apollo was familiar to me. My train of thought was cut short when the man in the blue-green waistcoat approach us. "Enjolras and Mademoiselle may I take a seat here?" Said the man. I nodded my head and Enjolras rolled his eyes at this man's gesture. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding and smelled the man. He reeked of alcohol. Enjolras said "Mademoiselle Maria, this is Grantaire, Grantaire this is-". I quickly cut him off by saying "Maria Eleanor Elizabeth Capet but the both of you can call me Lizzie". Grantaire laughed then looked at me and Enjolras. He asked me something I thought that in my life I would never hear. He said

"What do you think of the monarchy?".

I was shocked but happy for someone has never asked me that. I answered

"I think it's unfair."

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