Chapter 2: Meeting Rebekah, Liah, & Klaus

Start from the beginning

Rushing over to the first opened coffin, Elena found no one in there before checking the other, only to find the same thing. Going over to the third coffin, which was shut, Elena opened it and found the person she had been looking for.

"Elijah."Elena breathed out and put her gun down before wrapping her hands around the Dagger embedded in her heart.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."A feminine voice said from behind her. 

With the speed that could put a Vampire to shame, Elena let go of the Dagger to grab her gun, whirling around and without thinking, she fired a bullet at whoever was behind her. 

Looking at who she shot, Elena was horrified to realise that it wasn't the woman, who had spoken to her, that she had shot, but who the woman was holding in her arms and had been drinking from.

Elena could only watch as the light left the man's eyes,his expression became dull and his body lifeless before the woman, no a blonde Vampire wearing a flapper dress, let him go and they watched as his body dropped to the floor. The blonde looked back at Elena when she let out a pained groan and tilted her head to the side curiously.

"Ah!"Elena let out a pained cry. 

As she doubled over and placed a hand over her stomach, Elena realised that she had just triggered her Curse, before tilting her head up and the blonde's blue eyes widened in shock as she saw a pair of yellowish golden eyes stare back at her for a second before it faded.

As the pain subsided, Elena stood back up on weak and wobbly legs."Well, this is interesting. A Werewolf Doppelganger."The blonde said as she walked towards Elena with a predatory look in her eyes."Seeing as you're useless, I'm sure Nik won't mind if I have you."

"Leave her alone, Rebekah!"Came a sharp voice. Another feminine and the two turned to see a brunette girl, who was also wearing a flapper dress, glaring at the blonde.

"And why should I?"Rebekah questioned her Sister, eyes narrowed in rage at being stopped from killing a Doppelganger Werewolf."She's a Petrova Doppelganger, one who seems to be utterly useless for Nik and she seems to know Elijah. We don't need another Doppelganger destroying our Family, again!"Rebekah spat, glaring at Elena, who stayed silent.

"Elena would never destroy our Family, Rebekah."Elena looked at the other Original questionably as she smiled at her."She is Family. She's Elijah intended, they have a bond."Rebekah's eyes went wide in shock."If you kill her, you destroy that bond, and you'll have to face Elijah's wrath and no one, not even Nik will be able to save you."

"How do you know this?"Elena spoke up, looking at the brunette."How do you even know who I am?"

"I know who you are because the moment you did that Locator Spell, my Magic, without you knowing it, latched on to your Magic. I connected myself to you. I could sometimes see and feel everything you did while I was Daggered."The brunette explained calmly.

"You're Aaliyah."Elena stated in realisation."The Original Witchpire."

"And you're the Immortal Petrova Werewitch Hybrid Doppelganger."Aaliyah said, smiling at Elena."Call me Liah, it's a pleasure to meet you, Elena. I'm also sorry about Rebekah startling you and causing you to Trigger your Curse."

"It's fine. It was gonna happen sooner or later."Elena said sadly."I just wished it happened later."Elena added under her breath."It's nice to meet you both, Rebekah and Liah Mikaelson. I'm Elena Gilbert...."Elena tailed off, offering them a small smile."And about Klaus and the Ritual, he already did it, on my twin Sister."Elena explained."He's a Werepire Hybrid now."

"Fantastic."Rebekah and Liah said in unison.


Elena, Rebekah, and Liah had started talking, well, Rebekah and Liah asked Elena about her life and she told them that she had mostly spent her life with Sheila Bennett, who she called Grams, and that she taught Elena Magic. 

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