He scoffed and left. I closed the door locking it. I walked around angrily not knowing what to do or say. So I just screamed to get it all out.

I stopped and then went to my room and just spent the whole day in there. I didn't feel energized to do anything.

I then took a nap and when I woke up it was 7 pm. I groaned because my phone was being blown up. I answered the phone when it started ringing.


"Karla do you know where the crew is?"Olivia 's voice asked.

"Um no I stayed at my house the whole day. Sorry but why what's up?"

"I'm just worried about Cesar, he hasn't been picking up or texting back. Do you know anything?"

"Sorry Olivia I don't. Maybe he'll respond soon. Just worry about tomorrow."I said.

"Yeah, okay. Well if you hear anything just call me."she said.

"Will do. Bye."I said hanging up.

I had a massive headache and just wanted to go back to sleep. But instead I got up and took a shower. I did a face mask and started to prepare myself for the quince tomorrow.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks.

"Hey mija."I heard my mom say.

"Hey mom."I said.

Ever since Oscar told me that, I wanted to ask her. I sat next to her on the couch and she was watching some random show.

"Hey mom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure go ahead."she said.

"Okay well, today Oscar and I got in a fight and it lead to him saying something that's been stuck in my head all day."

"Well what is it?"she asked.

"Were you and Oscar's dad ever something? And then you left him because you didn't like the Santos?"I blurted out.

She sighed and nodded.

"We were something. But I left because I found out he cheated on me. He got Oscar's mom pregnant and so I left. It wasn't because of the Santos though."

"If anything I knew I was always protected. When I was around him I knew nothing and no one could hurt me. I loved him but he cheated and I don't believe cheaters deserve a second chance."my mom explained.

I just nodded. And she held my hand.

"He was just mad. When people are mad they say pendejadas."

I chuckled and then we watched a movie before going to bed. I was on my phone until 1 then I fell asleep.

My alarm went off and I groaned. I turned it off and sat on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone seeing that I had 7 missed calls from Monse.

I tried calling back but she didn't answer. I shrugged my shoulders and went to the bathroom to start doing my makeup. After an hour I finally finished and started curling my hair. It took 30 minuets which isn't that bad.

I went back into my room and went to my closet. I grabbed the dress with the plastic wrapping around it. I chuckled thinking of the memory.

The memory of asking Ruby why he and Olivia chose purple when her dress was a really light pink. I then went to go change and I put my flats on.

I sprayed some perfume and put my jewelry on. I walked out into the living room and my mom also walked out.

"Damn okay ama!"I chuckled.

She laughed and then we left out the door to the car. We then drove to the church where we were all meeting up. We soon arrived, Monse and Ruby were handing out the pamphlets.

"Hey why'd you call me?"I asked Monse.

She looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Cesar was on the phone with me while he killed Latrell."she whispered.

I gulped and Olivia came out with Jasmin. Jasmin was looking pale and sick. Monse looked at me worriedly and I returned the look.

"Where's Cesar?"Olivia asked.

We all just looked at each other.

"What the fuck are we gonna do ?"I whispered to Monse. 

She shrugged her shoulders. Olivia then went back in and soon Cesar appeared. With a freshly shaved head. We all stood there frozen and Ruby looked scared.

Hell we were all scared, you don't go missing and come back like it was 'nothing'.

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