Date Night Gone Wrong.

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It was the night of mine and Justin's date I got ready but it took me ad least 2 hours to get ready.

When I was done I ran downstairs "took you long enough". Justin says while letting out alittle chuckle.

"Shut up" I say while gigleing   as we walked out I almost tripped  hopping Justin diddnt see me. We got in the car and started driving.

We got to olive garden and we got our seats the waiter came over and she asked us what we wanted after we ordered we waited for our food.

It was almost an hour and then finally we got our food  when we were done eating we went to the  desk to pay and the worker was hitting on me "Hey hottie" the worker said"Want my number?" "she's taken ashole!" And Justin punched him in the face.

When we got home we were laughing  Justin went to the kitchen and got some wine. "You drink wine?" "Sometimes"   "Would you like some" after we were done drinking Justin went to take a shower.

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