Chapter Two

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After the man had left, Riley gave her mom a peck on the cheek and ran towards upstairs, yelling something about calling her friend.

She grabbed her iPhone and dialed a number she knew by heart. "C'mon, c'mon" she repeated. "Pick up"

"Riley! Babe!" A voice answered.

"Kami! You won't be able to guess what just happened!" I screamed.

"What happened? Did someone die? Did your mom finally lose weight? Dye her hair? Killed a cat?" Kami shot question after question.

"What? No!" Riley laughed. "I got two tickets and backstage passes to a Black Veil Brides concert!!"

There was dead silence until a loud pitch scream broke it. "Oh my god! Girl, you're lucky!" Kami said.

"I know!! And guess who I'm inviting!" Riley smirked.

"Jesus? Justin Bieber? Michael Jackson?" Kami joked.

"Oh, of course, just let me call up a death God to bring MJ back to life" Riley answered sarcastically.

"When you do, ask him for a Death Note" Kami replied.

Riley snorted, "Kami, bro, you're something else"

Even though Kami wasn't with her, she knew she shrugged her shoulders, "I try"

"But seriously, who?" Kami continued.

Riley rolled her eyes, "You, you dumb fuck"

"Oh, I knew that" Kami lied.

Riley sighed, "I sometimes wonder how you got Honors and AP classes and I didn't"

Kami chuckled, "Honey, there is some pure genius up in this brain"

Riley knew by experience that Kami was pointing at her temple, smirking.

Riley sighed once more, "I would know, I deal with it everyday"

Kami chuckled once more, "So, when are we leaving?"

Riley looked down at the tickets, "Well, uh..the concert is in a few days, so we have time to chill and not worry about school work!"

Kami laughed, "Sweetie, I think you mean you don't have to worry about homework. I already finished." Kami bragged.

Riley pouted, "Give me the answers?"

Kami sighed, "Riley, you should know this by now, my homework is way more complex than yours. You have easier problems than me"

Riley's shoulders slumped, "Fine, how about helping me?"

Kami sighed, "Okay, but I swear to god, do your own damn work this time and I better get free food" she demanded.

"Of course, you always get free food" Riley responded, ignoring the 'do your own work" part.

Kami realized this but didn't point it out, "Now, I better go, mom is calling me"

"See ya" Riley said.

"See ya, wouldn't want to be ya" and with that, Kami hung up.

Riley placed her phone on the counter and ran a hand through her still unbrushed hair.

"I still ask my self how she's my best friend" Riley muttered to herself and eventually continued to get dress for school.


Two chapters in one day! Man, I need to update my own stories XD And yes, I used my name in this book. Why? Because I felt like it :P

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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