"I... I haven't had my first yet." Seohoon said with an embarrassed look.

"No way. Who wouldn't want to fuck you?" Taesil said in surprise.

"Hey, you've been awful quiet, Ju. Everything okay?" Sam asked as Seohoon and Taesil subtly feuded.

"Just thinking. About Ruse, Kevin, everything going on in my life..." Juyeon said with a heavy sigh.

"Sex is a good way to let off steam. I could hook you up." Sam said, patting his back.

"I already got ass last week..." he muttered before his eyes widened. "I mean, I don't need it. I'm fine with just watching shows and stuff."

"You smashed!?" Sam said loudly, causing Taesil and Seohoon to look.

"Was she pretty?" Seohoon asked.

"Is she your go to?" Taesil pressed.

"Leave me be." Juyeon barked, quickly leaving his seat and rushing out the door.

The trio exchanged looks, never having seen Juyeon like this before. Juyeon hurried down the hall then bumped into someone.

"Oh, Ju." Kevin said in surprise.

They stood in silence before walking in opposite directions. Juyeon stopped then turned around.

"Kevin." he called out.

Kevin stopped and turned around. He let out a squeak as Juyeon had gotten much closer than he expected.

"My answer..." Juyeon muttered. Kevin fidgeted with his fingers out of pure nervousness. "I'd never do it again."

As he expected. He didn't feel all that disappointed, having already expected the answer.

"But with you... maybe." Juyeon added, finishing his thought.

"Huh?" asked Kevin in confusion. "You said never again but you would with me. Doesn't that mean you would do it again?"

"I'm saying, I'll only consider it if it's you." Juyeon explained, placing his hands on his shoulders. "But that doesn't mean I'm attracted to you."

Kevin let out a snort as he leaned against Juyeon. He lived for moments like these. Juyeon gave him a confused look as to why he was laughing. Kevin abruptly stopped laughing and quickly pulled away from him.

"Bye..." he whispered before fleeing down the hall.

Juyeon's face twisted in confusion at the sudden turn around. He looked behind him, wondering what Kevin saw that made him run away.


Juyeon patiently waited for Taesil, finally getting a chance to have the long awaited talk with him. Once he got through with him, things between him and Kevin would be perfect again. Taesil stepped into the room drinking a beverage.

"Tae, I'll get straight to the point." Juyeon started, leaving his spot and walking over to him.

Taesil shrank back slightly as Juyeon slammed his palms on either side of him.

"Stop harassing Kevin." he said in a low voice.

Taesil blinked before erupting into laughter. This angered Juyeon more.

"Me? Harassing your best friend? Why would I do that?" he asked innocently.

"Don't play dumb. I heard you and Seohoon talking in the restroom the other day. You needed Kevin out of the picture so you could replace him and use me!" Juyeon said angrily.

Taesil sighed before letting his true emotions show.

"Fine. You're right. I am trying to get Kevin out of the picture, but not to use you. I want to work together with you. Kevin is only going to keep you behind. We're the top two boys here." Taesil said, telling half the truth. "Don't you want to be on top?"

"Yeah, with people who actually want to have a true friendship with me. I'm warning you, stop harassing Kevin and I won't make things ugly between us." Juyeon threatened.

"Ohoho. You're making an enemy out of the wrong person my dear Ju. I'll allow you to take that back and I'll pretend it never happened." said Taesil with a smile.

Juyeon simply walked away, grabbing his bottle and leaving the room. Taesil sighed then took out his phone. He sent a few texts before going on his way.

"Let's just hope he doesn't have a little accident the rest of his stay here." Taesil muttered, swirling his straw around in the cup.


"Stop! You two, why in the hell can't you stop bumping into each other?" the instructor fussed.

"It's not me. Kevin keeps running into me." he said with a frown.

"Kevin, take five." said the instructor.

Kevin did as he was told. Juyeon looked at him, clearly seeing the guy bump into Kevin purposefully.

"Miss, I'm not quite getting it. May I have one on one instruction afterwards?" Juyeon piped up.

"Huh? Well, I suppose..." she muttered, allowing him to sit off to the side.

He sat beside Kevin who held his knees close to his chest.

"I know you didn't do it." Juyeon whispered.

"It's nothing new. I've given up trying to get instructors to believe me. Everyone was against me, even now. Well, except you." Kevin whispered, watching the others dance.

"That's not fair! You have to speak up. This bullying has gone too far!" Juyeon hissed, earning a side glance from the instructor.

"I'd rather not. It's not like it's hindering my growth here. I can always practice alone and at home. Even request to meet up with an instructor before and after for guidance." Kevin responded, playing with his laces.

"I talked to Taesil... I thought doing so solved everything." Juyeon mumbled, not understanding.

"Talked to him about what?" Kevin asked in confusion.

"You don't remember telling me? You said they want to use me for themselves and that's exactly what Taesil said in the restroom." said Juyeon just as confused.

Kevin blinked before realization hit. They were in deep trouble.

"Ju, you have to go and apologize to Taesil the second you get a chance to. Don't ask why just do it!" Kevin hissed, having heard from someone who experienced it first hand.

"Okay..." he agreed, wondering who it was if it wasn't Taesil.

It's Not Me, It's We | JuKev✅Where stories live. Discover now