Chapter 7: Last goodbye?

Start from the beginning

"Wait, you forgot something. Please, kiss me. I really need it for my recovery." I just rolled my eyes, giving her a quick peck on her lips.

"I really have to go now."

"Please just promise me that you will be careful."

When I reached the store, I wanted to just escape. You wouldn't guess who I met, my parents. I couldn't even look them into eyes.

"Hoo, girl! We haven't seen each other for ages? Why you didn't come to visit us at least?"

"Because Lauren treats me thousand times better than you."

"Lauren didn't live with you your entire life. She didn't raise you!"

"It was nice meeting you, I just came to buy some groceries. Lauren is ill, I have to take care of her."

"She is an adult, she can take care of herself and she has her family too for that. You are not going anywhere. We have to leave it here today, don't you remember? Next week, you are going back to college and you always wanted to study, didn't you?" Snap, I totally forgot about our departure day.

"I don't want to come back home! I fell in love here and I can't lose the most beautiful thing given to me."

"You are getting on my nerves. If we hadn't met here, we would have found the house you decided to share with her anyway today. You have an hour to pack your things and then we won't wait on you anymore. We are your parents and we are older, so you have to listen to us. Was it said clearly?"

Back at Cimorelli's house

"Hey cutie, I missed you." Tears started filling my eyes looking at the most important thing in my life. I have to tell her that I am leaving it here but I don't want to leave her.

"Lauren, my love." I threw myself in her arms, throwing the bag with groceries who knows where.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" 

"I just want you to know that these days were the best ones in my life. But Lauren, I don't live here. I am Scottish, I have everything there. My family, friends, school."

"You can't be serious. Are you trying to tell me that you want to leave?" She started crying too.

"Please don't cry. Show me that big smile I fell for. Sun doesn't shine when you cry."

"I just don't want you to leave. I realized that I just can't live without you."

"I don't want to leave you either. But my parents. I have to listen to them."

"Tell me that this is just a bad dream. God, I love you so much. Why we just can't stay forever together?"

- Jasmine, why is it taking so long? Where the heck are you, we have to go! - I got a text from my mom.

"The taxi will be here in 5 minutes." I put my phone back into my pocket, sitting back next to Lauren and giving her the biggest hug ever.

"Why we just can't stay recumbent against each other our whole lives and just don't move. I wish I never let you go. I can feel your blood running, heart pumping, your breath on my face."

"You want us to become boring old farts? You remember how you told me you are about to make my holidays the best ones in my entire life? Well, you did it, Cimorelli."

"What the heck, you sound like Lisa! Please just promise me that you won't forget about me. Please call me every day and keep me updated."

"I would never forget you, you are unforgettable, Lauren. These memories we outlived just can't be erased." As I finished this sentence, the car hooter made a sound.

"It's your time to go." Lauren wiped her teary eyes with her tissue and seeing her this upset just broke my heart. I really didn't mean to hurt her like this. 

"Yes, it seems like it." I made my way outside, spotting the yellow taxi. Lauren followed me, helping me with my luggage.

"I am giving you your heart back." 

"Please just keep it with yourself, we belong together. I am leaving but you still have something which will remind me of you. You still have my heart. Lauren, you are a thief and you stole my heart. I fell for you and I will always love you." With that, Lauren jumped on me, attacking my whole face with kisses.

"This is just the beginning, not the end. If we are meant to be, we will be back together. I love you and only you. Don't forget that." I looked into her beautiful eyes one last time, sitting in the car, waving her a goodbye. No, I refuse to believe that this is our last goodbye...

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