Be Mine? || Akaashi Keiji

Start from the beginning

You are a more favourable version of Bokuto Koutarou. Mature, independent, and could hold your ground without becoming a damsel in distress. But the fact that you regularly failed in math class and how dense you are about people around you, could convince anyone that you are indeed related to the ace.

"Are you tired already?" You groaned to answer his question, "Let's take a break, okay? I don't want you to explode, Kuto-san." You and Akaashi were now sat in your room. There will be another volleyball camp next week, and if you fail another math exam, the school won't approve you to go.

"How could you become so good at math, Akaashi-senpai~!" You knocked your forehead on the table multiple time until you could feel something soft instead of the wood surface, "Huh?" There you saw Akaashi's hand covering the spot where your forehead would hit.

"It's not good for your head, Kuto-san." Just that tiny gesture was enough to make you blushed. You gulped down and straightened your posture, "Do you want to take a walk? Maybe buy something from the convenience store."

"But it's 8 pm already, Akaashi-senpai." You sighed when you saw the clock, "My family would kill me if they knew I am going outside at this time."

"I am going to accompany you. You know that, right?" Akaashi stood up and grabbed your scarf, "I am not going to let anything happened to you." He said that with ease as his hands gently put the scarf around your neck. Thank god that he focused only on the scarf and didn't look up to see your face.

"Alright, then." You walked to the living area with Akaashi on your side. Like your brother, the whole family already trusted the setter with all of their heart. So they allowed you to go out and buy something, as long as you were back within an hour.

Both of you were now walked side by side in comfortable silence. Just like what Akaashi said, you really need to breathe the fresh air. The pretty setter couldn't help but steal some glances towards you. And there you were, standing as oblivious as ever.

"What do you want to buy on the convenience store, Akaashi-senpai?" You asked him all of a sudden, "Because I am sure I don't know what I am going to buy. There's so much food that I really want to eat."

"Maybe I will buy some steamed vegetables there." Even though you knew what's the probable answer to your question, you just want to hear his voice more. He fiddled his finger, a habit of him that you always found adorable.

"You really loves vegetables, huh, Akaashi-senpai?" You chuckled, "Kou needs to learn from you. The only thing that came out on his brain was meat, meat, meat, and meat." Akaashi snickered a little, Oh my god, bless my life.

"Bokuto-san is hard to be taught," Of course you know that, you live with him for your entire life, "Though, I know it's not the time of the year for my favourite vegetables to season. But I couldn't help but hope that there will be a-"

"Rape blossom on the convenience store." You continued his words precisely like what's inside his mind. Akaashi get a little bit taken aback by your terms, "Am I right? Did I predict the right thing?" He smiled and nodded.

"Every single word, Kuto-san." Just this statement is enough to make you spread the broad smile. Akaashi is falling hard all over you again and again.

After buying a lot of snacks for your family and some fresh imported vegetables for Akaashi, you walked beside him again, closer than before. He insists to brought the groceries bag, but you didn't want to be a burden and stole one of the bags either way.

"Are you going to sleep over, Akaashi-senpai?" You asked him when he grabs your hand as the two of you past the crossover, "Koutarou would be happy to have his best friend after all." Though your brother wouldn't be the only one who enjoyed his company.

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