Queen For a Day - Part One-

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Five months had passed since the events of What The Hair, and now Varian was  outside, inspecting all the black rocks that had rapidly grown.

Quirin, however was tending to his field of crops, while Vera helped.

Varian glided his gloved hand over the biggest rock, "Fascinating, it's like Obsidian.."

Quirin looked up to see a little girl falling out of a tree, he caught the girl, and set her back on the ground.

A villager man, walked up to Quirin,
"Quirin! The rocks are destroying everything in their path!"

Another chimed in,
"How do we stop them?"

Varian tapped the rock, "I've been studying these rocks, and I think I've found a vulnerability in their all chemical makeup." He said, putting his hand on his chin.

Quirin scolded him.
"Son! I've told you, to stay away from those rocks!"

"I know I know I know...but something HAS to be done, and I think I may be onto a solution!" Varian said with reeashurrance.

"Something IS being done, in fact I plan to travel to see the king for this very matter." Quirin said.

Varian turned around, "oh, th- then, can-can I come?" He asked

Quirin chuckled. "Very well, you can travel with me."

Varian was surprised. "Really?"
He laughed. "Varian and dad going to see the king!" He sing-songed.
Then he made a serious face.
"I will pack ham sandwiches!"

(I think when he said that, all the fans went crazy. Because litterillly it's in every fan book XD)

Quirin laughed at his eagerness.
"Yes, and in the meantime, stay away from those rocks!"

Varian turned around, looking at the hundreds of black rocks around the village, "uh,ok, but..that's getting harder to do by the minute." He said, as a rock grew up right next to him, and he flinched.

Vera didnt really care that much about meeting royalty, so she had decided to stay back and do some cleaning.

Varian and Quirin waved to her as they rode in their wagon, to the castle.

                   Varian's P.O.V

'I'm so glad that my dad let me come with him!
Maybe I'll even get to talk to the king!'
Varian thought as he looked over at his father.

"Hey dad," "yes son?"
"I wanted to ask you what we plan on saying to the king? Do we have a method or strategy?" Varian asked.

               Quirin's P.O.V

'my son looks so excited, I wish I could just tell him the truth..I hope he doesn't take it wrong when he finds out.'
Quirin thought, looking over at his adorable puppy-dog-eyed, son.
"Varian," he sighed. "Just..dont get too excited." His face showed nothing but guilt.

                  Normal P.O.V

The wagon reached a stop at the castle  gates. A royal guard ushered them to the long line, inside the castle. While they were in line, Varian asked,
"Ok dad, so what's our strategy? I mean I tried to get a sample of rocks to show the king, but they just won't cut-"

"Son, wait here while I speak to the king!" Quirin told him.

"Dad, I think I should go in there to help explain the scientific-"

"Varian! Children have no place in court." Quirin facepalmed.

Varian looked like his expectations had been crushed. He watched his father enter the throne room.
"But, I- I'm not a, chil-"
He spotted a door that was partially open. He ran over to it, watching the conversation between his father and the king.


King frederick smiled as he saw Quirin enter.
"Quirin, my old friend! What brings you from old Corona village?"

"Your majesty, Old Corona is facing quite the dilemma." Quirin smiled.

The king was surprised, "oh?"

Quirin was uncomfortable, especially since he was lying to a king!
"Uh, yes..it would appear this years harvest have proven quite bountiful, so much so that I humbly request more land to accommodate such bounty!" He said, bowing


Varian couldn't believe what he was hearing, "what?" He whispered to himself.


The kings butler, Nigel whispered into his ear, "your majesty, we have received no such crop reports from Old Corona.." he said.

The king looked suspiciously over at Quirin. "Hmmmm."
"Quirin, I am pleased to hear how well Old Corona is fairin, and and even more pleased to grant your request." He said standing up.

Quirin bowed one last time,
"Thank you, your majesty."
And walked out.


Rapunzel had been shadowing her father for a couple days now, because her parents would be gone on an anniversary trip. And that meant that she would be Queen for a whole day!
She had just seen Quirin walk out and she felt like something wasn't right, so she followed him.


Varian caught up with his dad, once Quirin had gotten back from the throne room.
"Dad! Wh- none of that was true! Old Corona is being destroyed!"

"Old Corona will endure, you're going to have to trust that I can handle this." Quirin said, pushing past his son.

Varian grabbed his father by the arm,
Turning him around.
"How-How can I trust anything, when my own father just lied to the king's face!"

Quirin snapped at him,
"That is enough, Varian!"

"Yes sir." He squeaked, shrinking back. He lowered his head, and looked at the floor as his father continued to walk away.

Rapunzel spotted him and walked over, "Varian? Is everything ok?" She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Varian pulled away, stepping forewards.
"No, no its not." He was holding back from crying.
"Rapunzel, we came to see your dad about the rocks in Old Corona."

Rapunzel looked confused,
"Yeah but your dad just said-"

"My dad lied, things have gotten worse." He looked back at the ground.

"How much worse?" Rapunzel asked, with a worried expression on her face.

Varian closed his eyes, letting tramatic images of all the destroyed houses in Old Corona. "A lot worse." He sqeaked.

Rapunzel sympathetically out her hand oh his shoulder again,
"Dont worry Varian, I haven't forgotten our agreement. We are going to figure out the mystery behind these rocks, together. " she put both hands on his shoulders.
"Just, give me until my father returns, everything is going to be ok, I promise." She said.

Varian looked up at her with an adorkable smile. Before going to join his father in the wagon to return home.

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