Chapter Four- The Candy Store

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Nadia sighed with satisfaction as she ripped a strip of fried pink salmon beneath her teeth, laying back in her comfortable chair. The girl sat next to her, dipping her pieces of salmon in soy sauce and nibbling on them slowly. 

The ride had so far been quite enjoyable, with the silent murmuring of the people who sat around them and the occasional hostess who would provide everyone with snacks. Nadia and the girl were just about finished eating the food Nadia had packed. The girl seemed to have liked the food, but she hadn't voiced any approval or even spoken very much at all since they'd gotten in.

Nadia finished stuffing the empty food container into her pack and leaned back in her seat. The girl, who had the window side, was gazing out at the speeding blur of colors that was the city landscape. Uninterested, the girl curled up as much as she could and began to sleep. 

Nadia, on the other hand, busied herself by thinking of the anonymous stranger they'd encountered. She obviously didn't know who they were and hadn't caught much about them that stood out, but she had noticed something else.

The girl's expression. That frightened look in her immensely deep yellow eyes. Like she'd seen the person before, or at least knew what they were after.

Nadia knew that the world was troubled at the moment. Antarctica was one of the main problems, having shielded itself from any visitors and not meeting other countries' demands, such as trade agreements for the crystal. They were also the only country that was ruled by royalty, and the other world leaders didn't approve. 

She remembered when Delilah, who was very knowledgeable about Antarctica and all its latest happenings, had told her that the princess of Antarctica had been taken out of the country during warfare for its safety and that the other countries were looking for her. The leaders would dare not say it aloud, but they could easily use her as a ransom. Other rumors flitted around about the Queen having another child due to an affair, one who had run away from the palace a year or two ago.

"Madame, would you like something to eat or drink?" The cheery hostess asked, snapping Nadia out of her dream. Nodding, she bought a bottle of mineral water, chugged it down, and let the noises of the train lull her to sleep.

Soon after, a slight tugging sensation woke her up. Her eyes snapped open, and she saw a blurry girl look up at her with confusion.

"Let's go," She said, pulling Nadia out of her chair. Again, Nadia was surprised at the sudden words. Another moment went by before Nadia forced herself out of her chair and the two walked out of the hyperloop train, three-hundred and seventy-two miles away from home.

Montreal, Canada.

It was pitch black outside, but the twinkling light that came from the millions of windows from city buildings was enough to outshine the sun. A stunning sea coast was nearby, the waves lapping up the wet sand. Stores and hotels dotted the areas near the hyperloop station, with big buildings cascading over them. 

This time, the black-haired girl paid no attention to the action. She instead pulled Nadia through the crowd, only looking forward unless there happened to be something that caught her attention, like a beautifully sculpted fountain or a street-performer doing stunts. 

She halted to a stop right in front of a two-story building that was wedged between two other buildings, an inn and a toy store. This shop, however, stood out with its gorgeous purple and yellow color scheme and the display window filled with candy.

A candy store.

The girl had lead Nadia to a candy store.

Nadia yanked from her tight grip and twirled her around, angry. "What are we doing here? Did you bring me here just to-"

"She lives here," Said the girl, pointing to the second story. Pastel blue curtains billowed in the wind, and if you squinted, a hazy outline of a bed could be seen.

Nadia turned red as she realized her mistake. If the girl had wanted candy, she would've gotten some aboard the train. Chastising herself, she allowed the yellow-eyed child to lead her into the store.

All five senses were immediately tempted with hunger the minute the bell on the door chimed, signaling their entrance. Warm chocolate, creamy butterscotch, and sweet cotton candy were just a few of the tantalizing aromas that filled the air. Shiny wrappers covered some of the candy, but most had clear cases so that you could see the inside. Chocolate, jelly beans and stretchy candies lined up on the wall, and tall display areas were overflowing with sweets. Children, unsurprisingly, were scattered amongst the aisles, picking up their favorite treats and bringing them to...

...A young teenager, possibly around Nadia's age. She was currently in the process of wrapping up a box of sweet lemon tarts, as yellow as the girl's eyes. She expertly tied a red ribbon around them and quickly styled a fashionable bow on top, handing the box to the young girl with pigtails on the other side of the counter.

"Her," The girl pointed one pale finger in her direction as the girl was putting several chocolate bars into a small bag for another boy. Nadia looked up to see her, noticing she had pale skin, just like the girl. However, she had long, wavy blonde hair that framed her face nicely and ice-blue eyes.

"She looks busy..." Nadia observed, but the girl pulled her towards the front of the line anyway, angering many of the customers.

"What are you two doin-" She stopped abruptly when she saw the girl, her eyes widening, and then she switched her gaze to Nadia. All the color drained out of her face, which wasn't much, and she immediately ushered them into the kitchen.

"HARLEY! YOU'RE TAKING MY PLACE!" She hollered, and a man with curly brown hair walked out of the kitchen and to the impatient children outside.

She looked back at them. "Hello, girls. I didn't think you'd make it back so quickly when you left," She began muttering to herself.

The girl looked at her and Nadia saw that her eyes were full of fear. "Lola...I-I-"

"I'm Nadia," Nadia cut in. "Look, I don't know who she is, but she was unconscious when I saw her. She has amnesia now and she said she remembered your name."

Lola looked at them in panic. "Come upstairs, we can't talk here," She gestured to the busy kitchen.

Nadia followed her into a small nook where the stairs were. She walked up the stairs with urgency, but with a sick feeling in her stomach. She was going to find out everything. She was going to get the answers she had so desperately wanted.

Then why did she feel so horribly anxious?

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