T'Challa x Male Outsider

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This was a form 2 request. Imma just say this first thank god you requested I'm so happy! On to the story. FYI you're part of the avengers.

It was right after civil war. You're still sad about it I mean Steve and them are gone and not only that bow you have to leave and go to Wakanda. You hug everyone after saying your goodbyes.
You're gonna miss Peter the most that awkward little thing. As you made it to Wakanda you're met with people with strange looking capes. "I was sent here by Tony Stark" you say. They instantly said "follow us".  They took you to this amazing looking temple honestly you found it great. You thought "wish we had something as amazing as this in America". As you enter the temple you're met with T'Challa the hot king. "Hello welcome to Wakanda it's a pleasure to have you agent Y/N" he said. "Thank you T'Challa it's a pleasure to be here".

Time skip two years later

You have grown fond of  T'Challa as you helped Shuri with her lab things. He always seemed to come in your mind. You wished you could see him more often but with his king duties you rarely see him at all. I kinda miss him. "Hey Wakanda to Y/N are you with me?" Shuri asked. "Yea sorry what were you saying". "I was saying look at this video of my brother as soon as he kicked it it blew him back therefore my project works"! "That's amazing Shuri now what we need to figure out is if it works against a emp incase Klaw uses one(didnt know if it was a c or k in the name). "True but I highly doubt Klaw even has the brains to know how to make one". "That is where you're wrong little sister you always underestimate your opener because of how highly you think of yourself". "Y/N can I borrow you for a second I need a sparring partner that doesnt use technology to her advantage". Shuri gave T'Challa the bird. Sister is that anyway to treat me. I couldnt help it T'Challa had the most beautiful eyes and his accent lord help me it was great. I swear if being around  T'Challa isn't heaven I dont know what is. I have fallen for the king. "Y/N are you alright"? "Yes my king I am perfectly fine". "I told you to drop the formalities long ago but you still do it why"? "Because it's better to be formal than to be anything else my king". T'Challa took your hand and led you to the sparring room.

Time skip brought to you by Eric trying to be nice.

After you two were done sparring T'Challa said "Y/N I didnt know you were this strong I would have out you as my personal body guard". "Thank you my king" you said with a little tint on your cheeks. "Well I guess it's time to head back to Shuri and let her know that we are finished". "Yea I guess we should my king". Yall went back to Shuri and she instantly grabbed you and said now it's my turn to spar. You wanted to be with T'Challa again knowing that you're not gonna see him for awhile.

Another time skip brought to you by how innocent T'Challa is.

After you two were done sparring Shuri said "get dressed into your regular attire". "Ok" you responded confused.
You pulled on a black and white crop top with some joggers. (Yes you are a Male if you were wondering that is all tony packed you) Shuri grabbed you and pulled you to the ball room where all of Wakanda was and as you walked through T'Challa was smiling from ear to ear. As you walked through. T'Challa looked at you and said Y/N you have been so kind to everyone here and You have been my happiness along with Shuri's. T'Challa got down on one knee and you covered your mouth T'Challa said will you marry me. YES OMG YES I WILL!  That got everyone smiling, cheering, and crying. You hugged T'Challa has he kissed you.

I really hoped you guys have enjoyed this as much as I have I love you all and heres the work count 728

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