Chapter 1

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A/N Okay, completely unrelated to the story, but I was eating some Oreos and I realized that milk soaks into the cookie part. I somehow feel lied to-

Italics = Thoughts

----------- = Timeskip/Scene Change


Your POV

I watched the laptop screen intently. Sebastian flew through the air, a close up of his red eyes showing across the screen. I groaned internally and looked up at my ceiling. "Oh my god, rail me-" 

"(Y/N), no! Go to horny jail!" I heard my friend (F/N) exclaim. I blinked and looked over at my phone. "Oh, I forgot I was on face time," I said, flattening my lips together. "Yeah, you did. Do you always thirst over those boys at this hour?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I adjusted the blanket draped over my sitting form. "Yeah... I do. But what do you expect? Sebastian is fine as hell!" I exclaimed quietly. "He is, but you need SLEEP. You are going to die early if you don't sleep!" he exclaimed. "Dude, I sleep enough. Plus, I sleep in a crap ton on the weekends," I replied, looking back at my laptop. 

"Girl, for god's sake, it is 2 AM! Sleep-" he started, before I interrupted him. "You're not any better, ya know. You're the one that called me in the first place!" I said teasingly, giving him a knowing smile. 

He pursed his lips before pouting and looking away. "Yeah... you got me there," he said. I laughed and looked back at my laptop, watching as the scene changed to Ciel and Alois sitting on the Trancy manor balcony.

"Ooooo, the good part's coming!" I said, smiling. "Good part? Wait, Ciel and Alois sword fighting?" he asked, pointing a finger at me. "Mhm," I said, nodding my head. "Can you face the camera towards your laptop? I want to watch Black Butler too," (F/N) asked.

"Yeah, sure, one sec," I said. I picked up my phone and quickly flipped the camera, pointing it at my laptop screen. "Enjoy, good sir!" I said. "Thank you madam," he said jokingly. I laughed and the two of us continued to watch Black Butler until it came to when Claude and Sebastian entered the ballroom, Alois severely injured because of Ciel. 

"Okay, I know I've said this before, but I want to punch Claude in the neck so bad-" (F/N) said, furrowing his eyebrows. "Same. Alois deserved better," I replied. "He may be a bipolar bitch, but he still has feelings, which Claude seemed to disregard,"

"Yeah. But the thing is, Claude is sexy as hell, which piSSES ME OFF SO MUCH-" (F/N) exclaimed. I laughed and replied, "Mhm. Wait, remember the close-up of him licking Ciel's blood off his fingers-" "NO! DON'T REMIND ME!"

(F/N) and I laughed until we suddenly went silent. After a few moments, I said, "Dude, I can't wait until quarantine is over. I wanna see you in person again!" (F/N) chuckled. "Same here. We are gonna go on an anime shopping spree when we see each other again, and you cannot get out of it," he said. "I'm good with that! Plus, I saw this POP figure online, and turns out it's only available in the store, and I really want to get it-"

"(Y/N)! GO TO BED, IT'S 2 AM AND YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW!" I heard my mom yell, making me jump. I blinked a few times before saying, "Okay, mom. Love you!" I heard her sigh and reply, "Love you too sweetie,".

I smiled and looked back at my phone. "Welp, I think that's my cue to sign off," I said, flipping the camera towards my face. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Zoom breakout room?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Zoom breakout room," he replied, giving me finger guns. We both started laughing.

After a few moments, I calmed down and said, "Alrighty, I will see you tomorrow! Bye!" "Bye Bitch! Get some sleep!" he exclaimed, a large smile on his face. I nodded and laughed as he hung up, my face reflecting on the screen. I turned my phone off and looked towards my laptop with a smile.

I watched as Claude looked at Sebastian dancing with Ciel in his arms, talking about "dancing into the sunset". Suddenly, Claude's gaze looked straight at where the camera would be, his eyes turning fuchsia for a few moments. I blinked at the screen with a face and smile that said, "What in the high hell was that?" 

I side-eyed my laptop with the same expression as the episode continued. Uh, that didn't happen in the original episode. Ooooooookay! Time to go commit arson and burn this laptop! I ain't getting my ass possessed tonight!

I closed my laptop and quickly stood up. I grabbed my laptop and slid it under my arm. I tiptoed out of my bedroom and down the hall, making sure to not alert my mom. I carefully tiptoed down the stairs, avoiding the creaky parts the best I could. 

Haha! Claude ain't getting me today, no ma'am!

I walked into the kitchen and quickly stood by the stove. I turned the stove on as quietly as I could and turned it on high heat. I slowly lowered my laptop over the flames, not enough to burn it though. 

I suddenly deadpanned. Why in the hell was my first instinct to burn this thing? I could've just closed it and gone to sleep! Not too complicated! Eh, I'm too far in at this point, so-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you,"

I pulled my laptop close to me and whipped around, eyes widened. "Okay, what the-" I mumbled, looking around. That sounded like a deep female voice, but it could be a man's, I don't want to assume a disembodied voice's gender.

"I- uh, ay, disembodied voice, could you not? I'm trying to burn a laptop here," I said quietly, looking up at the ceiling. It was silent for a few moments.

"No, squad. I really wouldn't advise doing that,"

"Oh, uh, okay... Who are you anyway?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm- wait... Who am I? Oh god, who am I-"

I blinked, pressing my lips into a fine line. Did I just send a disembodied voice into an identity crisis? 

"It doesn't matter who I am! I've been given orders, and I will follow them dutifully!" 

"I- uh, okay, so whe-" I started. Suddenly, a wave of fatigue hit me, making my eyelids droop. "What the hell...?" I mumbled, slowly growing more and more tired. I felt my body sway and the laptop in my arms slip. I fell towards the ground.

I passed out.


A/N Here is the first chapter of the story! I plan to have the reader quote many more memes and vines, plus make a lot of anime references that the Black Butler squad does not understand! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time! (っ ͡◕ ₃ ͡◕)っ🎔

Peace Out Peeps! -PrincessTunaFish

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