5th Grade Horror Story Writing

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I scroll down and found a lot of errors. One rule is I won't correct any mistakes which will probably be annoying, I'm sorry.
(1286 words)
Sociopathic Tendencies

'What did they do this time?' The hotel room was in an abominable abominable state, I saw Bash look at me and grin in a ghastly manner. It made me gag, I walked  over to him, "who did this?" I asked. He remained mute, I looked him in the eye and gester to the mess, "what happened," I said, losing my patients. "I came over 2 minutes ago," he spoke quickly, "if you want it to be dirtless, then clean." He passed me to get to his room, locking the door.

     You're serious, he went to his room not giving me any information about the situation! But, I guess he's right. Irighthe right I am always the titaness... I shouldn't let him win this battle though. As I was cleaning I saw something strange, my first thought was that Bash forgot his homework, but no  it was a list of our names, weirdo.

   "Hey Bash, you left your list." I put it on the kitchen counter and waited for him to come out but he didn't, I walked to his room and reached to knock the door and then the front door flew open,"hey, Elline how ya doin'?" I looked over and saw stella in the doorway, "what, happen in here? The hotel looks like crap!" she said in her optimistic attitude. "I'm 'trying' to clean but somebody won't help." "I'll do it!" I stared at her, why would she help me, she always remarks on how much of a jerk I am and wants to help. Ashley was right. "Okay.. fine." We cleaned for hours until it was spotless, I am a clean-freak.

    "Is everything perfect princess?" She joked.

   "Yeah, Yeah.. everything is amazing." I say, walking over to the vase and putting it in the right place as she watch my every move, "hey, when is Ashley and John coming home?" There was a long silence. "Ya didn't see them? They came home when we were cleanin', were you that intrace by cleanin', Jesus." "Maybe I was... but..." I couldn't think of anything to retaliate with, dang-it. "How 'bout we get lunch with the others," she suppressed, "I'll get Ashley and John, you get Bash."

  "How about you get all of them?" She looked at me and kinda glared at me, "I'll get John and Bash you get Ashley?" "Fine," I want to go to Ashley's room and open the door without knocking, "hey Ash, we're eating out," J closed the door and looked at her getting up, "Stella is paying for the meal, at least I think she is?" "Is my brother coming," Ashley questioned. I just shrugged, "I don't want to talk with him, he's insane." She told me to get out for her to change, when I closed the door behind me and saw Bash just sitting on the couch. He looked over to me a gested to me to come over, I hate this guy of course and I would never come over to him. I stayed still and his deathly glare caught me off guard, I slowly walked to him trying not to be phased by him. I sat at the other end and just tried to ignore him the best I could i would, and he started to speak, "Ashley, threw a party when you were at your house," he always talked calmly, "I thought you needed to know what happened happen because in the morning you asked."

    "Why didn't you tell me in the morning?"

    "I was tired, after you asked me I took a nap."

    "Oh! That reminds me, you left something so I put it on the kitchen counter."

    "The list..?"

    "Yep," after that he immediately got up and grabbed it. He walked to his room and quickly put it in there. "What's the rush?" I asked him, "we're leaving at 11:30."

   "I have my reasons..."

   "What are those reasons, hun?"

  "Don't call me, hun. El!" He said furious.

  "Jesus." I said under my breath, after I spoked Bash got a phone call and went in his room to pick it up, 2 minutes later Ashley walked out wearing her usual style and headed to the car waiting for the other two to finish talking. Bash came off song soon after Ashley, we waited for 4 minutes and  Stella walked out with John following shortly after. We headed to The car and Ashley was hanging by the car on her phone with a worried expression and Stella being a little angel she waved to her and walked over and spoke to her and took he hand and called out, "we get the back seats!" and Stella ran in the car with Ashley. "So, Bash you're driving," I said in a calm attitude. "What you trust him," John whispered in my ear, "he's mental." I had to respond, "I don't trust him but, he's the only can that can drive" He seemed to believe me, thank god.  I sat next to him in the front sit as John sat in the back with the two girls. Arbys was five minutes away. As Bash was driving he got a phone call and like the great person I am I picked the phone to answer for him, as I was about to press the green button Bash slapped slap it out of my hand. It fell down on the cupon cup holder facing down, I looked up to see Bash glaring daggers at me, "Elline, listen carefully. Hit the red button." He said pissed off. "Okay, Okay." I respond, as I hit do not call.

   We got to Arby's and John talked to the person at the cash register (which was a girl) and Bash ordered the food and spoke to her, not in the way that John did though, all I could make out was 11:50. It seems that he knew her, but he always introduced himself to his 'friends' to us, if he had any that isn't us. As we sat down without Bash we started to talk, "guys I got this text.... Stella traced the phone and  it's a girl named name Alexandra Complain and the girl at the register name tag  was Alexandra C. Do you think it's just a coincidence?" Ashley asked worried. We stared at her then Bash brought the food, we all took our meal and started eating. Ashley started coughing, coughing we all stopped and Stella did the choking maneuver. She wasn't choking, someone must have poisoned her meal.

   I looked over at Bash, he was her brother, he smiled. That same smile I saw this morning.

   After that we were all bummed out, Stella called the ambulance and they picked her up. I knew that she would die the next day, I wanted to tell Stella it at least so she would visit her but, she loved her and she tried not to cry, she did though.

   We went in the car and went immediately to the hospital to see her I checked on my phone 11:51 and saw in the rear view mirror and saw a truck heading straight towards us and before I could say anything we were hit in the back, It broke Stella left arm and ankle, killed John, I just had bruises, and Bash was fine he laughed and smiled.

  Stella moved to my house and we filled out a restraining order against him. We both knew he killed them in a way and the cops wouldn't believe us.

Some One-Shot Stories I Wrote.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora