Luigi VS Knuckles | Nintendo VS SEGA

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Wiz: With the dragon slain and the princess rescued, the hero revels in gold, glory, and cake.

Boomstick: But they couldn't have done it without a hand.

Wiz: The pal. The friend. The people's champion would be lost without their ally. Such as Luigi, Mario's younger brother and sidekick.

Boomstick: And Knuckles the Echidna, guardian of the all-powerful Master Emerald and pal of Sonic the Hedgehog.
He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


Wiz: After clobbering Koopas, besting Bowser, and saving the princess, who gets all the credit?

Boomstick: Mario, of course, leaving his lanky brother with rejected sloppy seconds.

Wiz: No doubt, Luigi has it rough. Despite being born as one of the seven Star Children destined for greatness, it's not easy being second fiddle to the most popular character in video game history, yet he doesn't seem to mind. Like a good sidekick, Luigi exists only to help Mario, never asking for his own slice of the cake.

Boomstick: So he's pretty much a slave.

Wiz: In a way, but this devotion makes him the perfect teammate, helping to save the Mushroom Kingdom time and time again.

Boomstick: What did Mario do to him to make him so obedient? He's gotta have some serious dirt from their childhood.

Wiz: Luigi may take subordination to an extreme, but he's no pushover. In fact, he's not only taller than Mario, but also faster and more athletic. He can jump over 6 feet higher, plus after studying Yoshi's superb jumping ability, Luigi developed his own variant of the dinosaur's floating technique, the Scuttle Jump.

Boomstick: His abilities don't end with the mid-air hustle, Luigi has plenty of powerful attacks, each of which, if pulled off perfectly, increase their damage for quick KO's. The spinning Luigi Cyclone, the rocketing Green Missile, and the Super Jump Punch, which can send his foe up into the air so high, they never come back down.

Wiz: In addition, he has numerous power-ups at his disposal, including his trusty hammer and the Vanish Power Flower, which makes him invisible and intangible, Luigi could be next to you... watching you... right now.

Boomstick: Aahhh, stop that! He was trained by the Thunder God himself in the powerful Thunder Hand technique. With this, he can shoot lightning at his foes or at deadly soccer balls.

Electricity is my favorite power-

Boomstick: Shut up, author!

Fine. I'll just keep listening while eating popcorn.

Wiz: And after spending so much time in Mario's shadow, Luigi has somehow gained the ability to manipulate some sort of negative energy.

Boomstick: Remember when Mario Bros. was about running around and jumping on turtles? Anyway, you were saying something about physics breaking time energy or whatever?

Wiz: Luigi's Negative Zone can devastate a nearby opponent. Its effects are random, but unavoidable, ranging from sudden dizziness to uncontrollable tripping over absolutely nothing.

Boomstick: But when Luigi wants real firepower, he busts out the Poltergust 5000, a handy vacuum cleaner which can somehow kill ghosts! It can KILL that which is already DEAD.

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