Chapter One: Emileigh

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"It looks like my great-great-great grandfather when he was constipated." I remarked to myself. Walter was making this statue of Lance for him, it looked like a old man sitting on the toilet. I held my two year old baby in my arms, and blinked. Walter wasn't back from the agency yet, well he was a busy boy. "Dada....." I looked at my child, it seemed to be squirming. "Emileigh, you need to be patient. Dada will be home soon." Emileigh was my daughter's name. She had nice, blue eyes like Walter, but hair was a nice H/C colour like mine. I set Emileigh down. "Don't go wandering off!" I yelled, and she silently nodded.

Emileigh's POV:

I don't think I want to listen to Mama. I wanna go outside. I looked outside, and saw a car. I ran outside, because the door was open. The car was black. Yuck. "Hey, Kid." A tall man said to me, and I tilted my head. "What's your name?" The man said to me. He looked a bad guy. "Do you...have glitter?" Sadly, the man shook his head. "No, I'm afraid I don't." I shrugged. "Then I'm not telling." He got onto this weird looking ship thing, and blasted off. Suddenly, I heard a car pull up. Dada and The Brown Guy! "Emileigh, you shouldn't be outside this late!" Dada laughed, and he picked me up. "Emileigh, you've met Lance." Dada softly told me, and I looked to the tall brown guy with a moustache. "Hi." I said. "Hi, Emileigh." He gave me a smile. "Who were you talking to?" Lance asked me. "Uh, a stwanger." Dada  looked to me. "Remember! Don't talk to strangers!" I looked down, as daddy set me down. "Go inside, Emileigh." Dada whispered to me, but I didn't want to. "I don't wanna!" Daddy gave me a look. "Emileigh, it's way past your bedtime. And I have something to show you in the morning." My eyes lit up. "Ok."

I went back inside, Momma didn't even realize I left.....I don't know why, but I feel weird about da stwanger I met. Who was it? He looked like he had....a robot hand?? Maybe he was a robot.

"I'm gonna name him Exqubbles!"

WALTER, THE CHILD!!! / Sequel to "The Girl From The Lobby" Where stories live. Discover now