Chapter 1- The Move

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Me and Lindsey (Sister) are packing for our move to Florida. '' You excited Lauren?'' Lindsey asked. ''Ya, I am! We are finally gonna live in our dream home, the best part the house is next to the beach! Me and Lindsey finish packing some stuff and get the rest.

''Hey Dad, isnt there more to pack?'' I asked. ''No honey the rest is in the moving truck.'' He said packing the rest of our stuff. I go into my house and get the rest of my stuff out. While I was looking through my photos, I looked at this mermaid photo and I saw a flash and a mermaid swiming. Of course I thought it was nothing, so I ingnored it and went to the car. ''Mom? I'm ready!''

'' Ok, why dont you get Buckley?'' My Mom asked. Buckley is our dog, he loves to swim and eat cheese popcorn. I get buckley and put him in the car.  We are finally ready to go to Florida.


I was in the car minding my busniess and my stomach starts feeling upset. '' MOM... DAD...?'' ''I think I'm gonna throw up. 

My Dad slows down and I run out the car to throw up. '' Lauren, you okay?'' My dad asks looking weirdly at me. ''Ya.. Ya I think I am.'' I say wiping my lips.  I get back in the car and start listening to my Ipod. 

My face starts getting itchy, and I didn'nt know why. Is this a side effect of something? But what? I pull out my pocket mirror and I notice I have red pimples all over my face. ''Mom?! What happend to me?'' I say frightened. '' Don't worry it's probably allergies, here's some cream. I put it on my face and we hit the road. 

It's been 5 hrs and we arrived. I get out the car and stretch. We are in Florida, but at a gas station. ''Mom, I'm going to the bathroom.'' ''Okay Sweetie.''  I go to the bathroom and wash my face. I put my hands in the water and stuff happens. My legs conjoined and started to form a teal tail. I started to freak out and tried to dry myslef off. It actually worked. I go back outside sweating because I was freaking out. I decided this '' Mermaid Thing'' stays a secrect for a while. I get back into the car and put buckley on my lap.

''OW!'' ''Buckley bit my thighs!'' ''That's weird.'' My Mom says. I think he bit me because I smell llike fish. I immediatley put on perfume. Buckley stopped biting me and sat on my lap. We had 30 minutes left till we arrive at our new house. I put music on and took a little nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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