[Chapter 1]

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"Fuck" Y/n spoke as she rubbed her eyes, her sleep was interrupted by the sound of her alarm clock that read '6:00am' she sat up from her bed looking out the window, seeing the sun rise, it was early the birds chirped and the wind softly blew on the trees making them wave. Y/n yawned and stretched, her long H/c hair was completely a mess and tangled, looked like a lions mane. Drool rested on the end of her mouth her E/c eyes had bags and were red due to lack of sleep.

"Y/n!!!" Y/n's mother called from downstairs, "Hurry up and get dressed you'll be late for your first day!"This caused Y/n to wake up completely and snap out of her sleepy state. Gathering her slippers on her feet she yawned once more and rubbed her head "Yeah yeah i'm up ma!" She shouted back , she head towards her closet opening it and reaching in for her Uniform that was sent in the mail from U.A's principle Nezu, he wanted Y/n to come prepared with no excuses .

Y/n ran down the stairs ready in her uniform which fitted her perfectly even shapes out her figure the skirt was long enough but can still tell that she had legs and an ass. She rushed to the kitchen the time was now 6:40 she had showered and brushed out her hair and put it in a pony tail with her bangs out. The air smelled like pancakes which Y/n quickly sat on the chair at the table and ate quite fast!

"If you eat too fast you'll get hiccups" Y/n looked up at her mother. Her mother had short brown hair and blue eyes, she was quite the beauty. Y/n nodded and drank some water that was served to swallow down the food.

"Ill be off!" Y/n shouted as she grabbed her book bag and slid her feet in her brown uniform shoes. "Be safe and have a good day!" Her mother wished as she watched her daughter leave. Y/n began walking listening to her music and humming along with the lyrics. It wasn't a long walk her house was pretty close to the academy so it was no problem.

When she reached the school she looked at the size of the building and took a deep breath 'Breathe Y/n!' Y/n had to mentally compose herself, she saw friend groups in front of the building waiting for the doors to be open, different groups with different people. She didn't know anyone so she was quite left out. She leaned against the gate wall and texted her online friends from back home.

"There's no way" Sero exclaimed to Kanimari "Bro I'm telling you i got it" "Even after your mother said no?" Kirishima added on. Kirishima,Sero,Kanimari and Bakugo were together in a circle also waiting for the school to open. Kaminari sighed and rubbed his head "Yeah she said i couldn't get a dog now i have one. Bet you're jealous!" He said with such pride "What do you think Bakugo?" Sero looked over at his blonde headed friend which wasn't paying no attention to the conversation, he was too busy looking at the girl leaning against the gate wall.

The other males looked over "who is that?" Kirishima questioned, Kaminari smirked "well shes pretty hot. But I've never seen her at all" Sero rubbed his chin "She doesn't look like shes from here" Bakugo scoffed and growled  "Another fucking dweeb who's trying to be a hero huh? More competition. Ill squash her" the boys eyes widened and he chuckled nervously.

 "Easy its just a girl. Shes not even your height" this got Bakugo even more ticked off, he growled and turned over to his buddies "What you don't think i can beat her?!" Bakugo yelled out casing the three boy's ears to ring, however with Bakugo this type of thing is a every day thing. Bakugo really didn't know how to express his feelings and is the biggest hothead in the whole academy.

The school bell rung as the doors opened ,the hallways was filled with students changing their shoes and catching up with their friends. Y/n enters the building straight to the facility room as ordered, there meeting Sensei Aizawa. "Y/n welcome" he said sluggishly, he then handed over Y/n her new schedule and locker number and combination. "I'm sure you read the schools policy sheet i mailed to your house" Y/n nods, she indeed did study the rules and understood the criteria that needs to be made while in school grounds. 

 Aizawa nodded at Y/n as he turned away in his chair meeting his desk and computer. "I'm your homeroom teacher, in the meantime you and your class mates wait for class to begin you may go to your homeroom class" Y/n nodded and began to walk to her class.

"Bakugo..Bakugo...YO!" Bakugo snapped out hearing Kirishima calling out his name, "WHAT SHITTY HAIR?" Bakugo snarled at the red head teen "Shit, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the cafe after school?" Kirishima kindly asked, he knew not to really tick of Bakugo but with this guy anything you say he responds in a scream, you can say something simple as 'we ran out of toilet paper' and he will go off in his little tantrums.

 "Tch whatever" this gave Kirishima a big toothy smile "There's this cake i really wan-" Kirishima was immediately was silenced as a wild Y/n entered the room looking around, all of the students looked at the girl, the girls in the class smiled and walked up to her "HELLO! you must be new! welcome to the class!"

This is so weird i never expected for anyone to approach me what so ever, a girl with a brown bob came up to me welcoming me to the class, i smiled back and waved "What's your name?"

 a girl with a black ponytail spoke, i rubbed my arm being a little shy "My name is Y/n L/n nice to meet you all" i immediately i was filled with compliments and questions as such as "Where you're from", "How old are you", and "What's your quirk?" i didn't mind answering either of their questions, i looked over to the other side of the room immediately meeting my eyes at a blonde spiky head hedgehog only difference was he was glaring and giving me a dirty look.

'Do i know him at all? I don't think i've met him before. So why is he giving me a dirty look?' i thought to myself, that's when the boys began into introduce myself and occasionaly throwing a few flirty compliments and looks but they were all friendly expect for him.

"Hey Bakugo meet Y/n!" Sero called out to Bakugo that was sitting int the back alone with his phone in his hand. 

This guy called bak...baak...baku...bako?bakibaki? scoffed and gave a devious smirk "Ha ya all around her like vultures as if i want to talk to her!"

 My eyes widened at the blonde boys reply, this made me stand up from my seat my hand giving contact to my hip. "Do i even know you?" this made everyone's eyes widened "The fuck you just said?" he stood up from his seat also but approaching me, towering over me with our height difference obvious.

 "Do.I.Know.You?" "Do I even know you for you to be rude to me like that?" Bakugo rolled his eyes and leaned in inches away from my face "Just so we are clear. I do not care that you're new, go back to where ever school you came from because in this class i am the best. Stay outta my fucking way and we wont have problems. I don't care bout your life story or what you have to say to me you're another geek trying to become the #1 hero. Well wake the fuck up because once i graduate i WILL be the #1 hero. Don't be in my way brat." everyone's eyes widened.

My eyes twitched in first confusion, second anger and third annoyance. "Ah i see the type you are, you think you are better than everyone in everything with anything? You've just made an enemy you didn't want to make" everyone was taken back at my words even hedgehog.

He then gave a devilish grin coming closer TRYING to intimidate me! If the fucker comes any close our lips would touch. "Fuck you just say?" he huffed out with annoyance, i sighed and rubbed my temples. 

"For all i care you don't have to care bout me i don't know you you don't know me lets keep it like that" this caused the teen to be more angry, his arms moved as he grabbed me by my collar, a vein popping out of his forehead and all "FUCK YOU MEAN?! YOU GOT GUTS TALKING BACK" I grabbed his arm and pushed him away from me "Next time you touch me you'll lose your fingers".
Third view POV

Bakugo was quite shocked with this fire cracker, all he could think in this moment is how he was gonna blast her, his palms began to get sweaty, him feeling his quirk come through, little flickers appeared on his hand.

 This made Y/n laugh and then sigh "Listen I can give two shits if you want to talk to me or not. Like you said earlier. We are STRANGERS and we will keep it like that." Bakugo snarled and began to approach her.

"Problem?"She spoke out to the angry hedgehog


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