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Nothing but a burden

Virgil was sitting on the couch, he was fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie.
Him and the other sides got into a fight and Roman made him feel pretty useless. He brings nothing but pain to Thomas.

Roman's words had stuck with him the whole day so far and all he wants to do is just cry his heart out. "T-This is so fucking stupid.."

Tears started forming and he was about to let it all out until he heard a noise.

It was Deceit, he have been trying to find the Duke all day. He paused and looked at the sad side. "Wow, you look great."

Virgil had jumped when he heard Deceit spoke, glaring at the deceiving side. "w-what are you doing here.?"

"I totally didn't come here to find Remus but anyway I just saw you all alone, looking so happy."

"o-oh, Remus's is probably in Roman's room or something.. you know how much he likes to piss off his brother." Virgil mumbled, hoping that Deceit would just leave him alone.

"Okay, good. I just wanted to know if he was doing his job or not." Deceit spoke, actually starting to ease up on the lies. "Why are you crying, Virgil?" He genuinely asked, bending down to the same height of the younger side "and I know when you're lying.. so just tell me the truth." Deceit paused "you know, like the good old days."

Like in the good old days..

Virgil felt like he was gonna have a break down. He wanted to cry but he didn't want to be seen as weak. Weak and useless.

Anxiety looked at Deceit "t-they hate me.." he began to sob.

Deceit's face soften and he felt bad "What.. you don't mean the light side, right?" He placed his hand on his old friend's cheek and wipe the tears, removing some of his eyeshadow.
"They don't hate you.. Why would you even say that?" Deceit asked, getting up and sitting next to Virgil as he wrapped an arm around Virgil.

Virgil started to cry into Deceit's shoulder, letting out quiet sobs as he tried to get his words out. "R,,Roman.. he.." Virgil hiccuped a little "he.. told me,, that I barely do anything but make Thomas's life a living hell and now I'm s-stopping him from doing his dreams. I'm w,,worthless!"

Deceit didn't say anything and just tried to calm Virgil down but he seem to be failing to do so. He decided to do something he had done years ago when Anxiety first came in as a new side. He sang for him.

Virgil sightly paused when he heard Deceit start to sing. One of the only thing that really made him calm down.
The sobs became quieter and quieter until it eventually stopped.

Anxiety was basically cuddling up to Deceit on the couch.

A soft a smirk appeared on the taller side's lips and he stopped singing, feeling satisfied that he was able to help Virgil. He pulled the other side closer and placed a tiny kiss on his forehead.

Virgil felt his face get sightly hot when he felt Deceit kiss his forehead, smiling a bit.

"I hope you feel better, kitten."

Deceit had remembered Virgil's old nickname back when he was with the dark sides and decided to use it on the anxious side once again.

Virgil blushed more and whined sightly "y-yeah I do feel better.. but don't call me that,, that nickname is embarrassing."

"Oh? Really, kitten?" Deceit made Virgil look up at him, by placing a finger underneath his chin. He leaned in closer to the blushing trait, basically putting them in kissing distance.

They were so close to kissing, it was making Virgil's heart pound.

Virgil grew redder and tried to pull away from Deceit, glaring at him.

Deceit chuckled and pulled away "you look like a tomato, kitten.." he spoke, letting the nickname just roll of his tongue.

He got up and started to walk out for the living room.

"H-Hey.. where are you going.?"

"To my room, hm?"

"O-Oh,, well bye.."

Virgil was thinking that Deceit would leave him along after this.
That wasn't what Deceit had in mind.

"See you soon, kitten." Deceit smirked and disappeared, going back to where he left.

Author notes:
This story is gonna be based on the roleplay of me and sakitodo
(I hope you don't mind if I tweaked a little of the story, because it's not exactly from word to word to our roleplay. Hope you don't mind 🥺👉👈)

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