Reaching the peak

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"You look beautiful today, my queen."

Diane rolled her eyes at her husband's comment, "You say that every day, and I look the same everyday! I wear the same dress and everything!"

King was leaning against the door frame watching her fix her hair in the mirror, a smile plastered on his face, "Well you're beautiful every day, I just don't want you to forget. And I like your dress! But if you would like, I can make you another."

Diane blushed deeply, the thought of King's hands making something that touches her so intimately made her wish that his hands were on her now. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind she skipped over to her Fairy King, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pushed himself up off the door frame, "Would you really?"

Holding her body to his he kissed her, "Of course! But I really like this one too, it's short."

Hiding his face in her neck, he kissed the skin there softly while walking Diane backwards into their room in the Boar Hat. They had been married for a few weeks now, and they were loving married life. But what they loved the most was the sex. Their first time had been messy and clumsy, but still full of love. They had enjoyed being so close and gradually became more experienced over time. Diane had learned of the assertive side of King, the side he was showing now as he pushed her onto the bed, his hands already pushing up her dress and playing with her panties. While Diane was learning of this, King had learned where the clitoris was. Flopping over to his side he pulled at the front of his lover's dress, pressing the heel of his palm into where her womb would be. Her moans along with King's heavy breathing filled the room. He had made a dark bruise on her neck but continued to worship the spot, his hand dipping beneath the waistband before pulling out swiftly; like a cat playing with its meal. "H-Harlequin!" Diane shrieked when he finally rubbed her pearl.

Her legs flexed, toes curling as the Fairy King rubbed slowly, occasionally dipping into her slippery womanhood to use the juices as lubricant. He looked down Diane's body when he did this, he liked to see her figure quiver like an earthquake. One of her hands gripped the unmade sheets of their bed, still a mess from similar actions committed the night before, the other hand tangled in the hair on the back of King's head. She could easily overpower him, but she didn't want to, she liked being a bit out of control. She enjoyed that the things happening to her were pleasurable instead of painful for once, especially when it came to her Harlequin.

She squealed when he put two of his long, deft fingers into her, massaging her hot walls whilst doing the same to her clit with the palm of his hand. Pulling her knees up and to the side to allow him better access, her knee accidentally brushing against the bulge in his pants. "Careful Diane," He hissed before placing a kiss on her collarbone, "you know I can barely hold on as it is."

A small smile spread on Diane's flushed face. Letting go of the sheets with one hand, she crossed her arm over top of King's arm to palm his erection. When she began, King's working hand jerked more aggressively, causing both him and her to cry out. Both worked diligently on their tasks, the room around them disappearing. Slowly they both climbed their peak, each stroke almost lurching them over the edge. Fingers move faster, touching all the right spots in the best ways, making it more and more difficult to hang on. The battle between wonderful torture and fleeting pleasure waged, but the winner was soon evident through the consistency of a loving touch. Higher and higher they climbed, high enough for their fingers to brush against the gates of heaven, the two of them screaming in pleasure at that slight touch of paradise, before plunging back to the earth. King gave a sob into Diane's chest, sweat dripping down his temple. Diane lay with him, having both hands now on his head with her lips pressed into the hair on the top of his head. There they lay, panting ragged breaths, savouring that little touch of heaven. Soon Diane's breath caught in her throat, her broken voice mumbling in shock, "We left the door open, King."

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