Hanako x Exorcist! Reader

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For You

I put the book back on the shelf, and sighed. Still no luck on finding information about Hanako. I've begun hanging out with the ghost boy recently but I still knew next to nothing about him. And that bothered me more than it probably should.

  "Are you sure you can't tell me anything?" I asked looking at the 5th mystery of the school. He gave me a glance and shrugged. "It's not my place to tell you, No. 7 will tell you when he wants to."

  I grumbled. I am an exorcist, so maybe I could just threaten him to get answers?? No that wouldn't go over well.

  Just then I heard the door of the 4pm book-stacks burst open and saw Kou with his his hair all over the place and out of breath. Kou was a part of another exorcist clan and we have known each other since we were little.

  "Kou? What's the matter?" I asked really worried. "It's Hanako and Senpai! They need our help!" He said. As soon as he said Hanako I was ready to go out the door.

  We both rushed down the hallways trying to get to them. "What's going on?" "They we're trying to take down an apparition that's been hurting students, but it's being especially tough." He explained.

  I was anxious because if Hanako hadn't defeated yet then it must be scary. I have also grown fond of the ghost boy quite a bit since I've been spending more time with him. So I picked up my pace and we ran to the classroom that the apparition was in.

  When I burst through the doors I saw Nene in the corner holding her leg and Hanako was fighting the spirit. I rushed over to Nene "Nene! Are you alright?!" I asked.

  She looked up at me in surprise "(Y/n)! Yes I'm fine but I think I may have hurt my ankle... Hanako is trying his best to fight of the apparition, but I don't know how much longer he can keep this up for!" She said.

  My eyes widened and I looked at Hanako, his facial expression showed fatigue and slight fear.

I nodded determined to help him out, "Kou, you stay here with Nene and make sure she doesn't get hurt, I'll go help Hanako." I said running into action without waiting for his response.

  "(Y/n)! Wait!" Kou said but I ignored his calls. As I turned around I saw the apparition had Hanako pinned to the ground. He was struggling and didn't look like he could hold out by himself for much longer.

"Hanako!" I shouted and got between him and the apparition, wielding my exorcist weapon (which was a dagger). I pointed it towards the spirit and started attacking.

This ghost was some sort of monster like thing and I couldn't exactly tell you what creature it resembled. But it did have a face and some tendrils coming from it, and that's what it was using to attack.

"Prepare to be exorcised!" I said as I kept charging at it. The thing was fast but I was so close to catching it. "(Y/n) stand down! I can handle this myself, I don't want you to get hurt!" Hanako yelled still trying to attack the apparition with me.

"Over my dead body! I'm gonna help you!" I said as I kept attacking. Then the apparition hit me with its tendrils and hit me against a wall. "(Y/n)!" Nene yelled.

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