Chapter 2

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Deku's PoV
Once the bell rang, I was one of the first people to leave. People had stared at me for the rest of class. I sighed and rushed out of the classroom, I looked down at my hand again. The mark was still slightly there, but I couldn't exactly make it out.

I would have to try and trace it out later. "Hey Deku! What was that about in class?" I heard Uraraka ask me.

"Ah, it was nothing. I just fell asleep and had a weird dream" I half lied. I mean I did fall asleep and it was a pretty weird dream but definitely not what she was thinking.

"Ah well, I hope you're okay" she said smiling at me. I smiled at her and continued walking. I was still confused why Shigaraki was in my dream. Is he the reason why I had the dream in the first place? They say that when you are getting close to your soulmate, you start to have dreams about them and feel what they feel.

I was starting to think too much, there's no way he's my soulmate, right? I mean its a possibility, but he could also be messing with me. I sighed softly, why is he doing this? Is he trying to make me think I actually have a soulmate when I know I don't.

Or do I? I've never really felt anything other than extreme guilt and sadness for no reason. I always assumed it was just mood swings. Alright, No, I have to stop thinking so much. This is making my head hurt.

I kept walking to my next class, it was Present Mic's class. English. I wasn't all that good at it but I wasn't bad either. I had a feeling I would have a hard time paying attention this time.

I proved myself right, I was spacing out and had no idea what we were doing. "Midoriya, you alright?" I heard Present Mic call my name.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm okay. Sorry" I apologized to him and went back to looking at the blackboard trying to pay attention. I sighed and looked out the window. Then I turned back, I don't wanna make that mistake again. I closed my eyes for a second to regain focus and then opened them.

The urge to look out the window was very tempting. My eyes had to be playing tricks on me, I swear I saw the same flash of blue hair out of the corner of my eye. Im awake, right? I stand up abruptly and shut the blinds. If I can't see outside than I don't have to worry about it.

"Midoriya, I wanna talk to you after class, you're in trouble I just wanna talk" he said. I sigh and nod. Present Mic was chill but I could tell he was being serious this time.

After a very very long discussion in English, class had ended and everyone seemed relieved. I walked over to my teachers desk, "Aizawa had also mentioned to me about your strange behavior. It didn't take me long to realize what's happening" he said.

"To be honest, I don't know what's happening either" I said to him.

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about" he said.

"Well? What's happening" I asked him.

"Midoriya, are you seeing someone? Like visions or dreams? Maybe even hallucinating?" He asked me.

"Well, yeah actually. In Aizawa's class I fell asleep and I wasn't even tired. I dreamt about him. I-I don't know why my soulmate all of sudden wants to show up!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"I haven't had a soulmate my whole life and all of a sudden I start having dreams about a guy I barely met" I said.

"Who is it?" He asked me.

"Um well, y'know the villain Tomura Shigaraki?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'm well aware" he said.

"I've been dreaming about him. That's why I'm confused! There's no way a villain is my soulmate!" I said in disbelief.

"It's not uncommon, Midoriya. It's not like they don't have soulmates either" he said.

"Yes but we're both on two different paths. I plan on becoming the Number 1 hero and he plans on trying to be the most powerful villain there is" I explained. "And even if he is my soulmate, I wouldn't wanna be fighting someone I'm supposed to love" I said looking down.

"I know, just know that if you need to talk to someone. I'm always available, most of the time" he said smiling a bit. I smiled back.

"Thanks, Present Mic" I said leaving the classroom. I really hope that he's gonna be able to help me. I'm gonna need it.

Especially if my soulmate is him.

A/N: What's uppp, I know it's been a few days my baddd. But, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I plan to make more, I actually liked the idea of involving Present Mic. I know the chapters are kind of short right now, but I'm still trying to figure out the right words to say lmao. Anyway, I'll stop talking byee


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