congrats ro

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uh yeah we're gonna have something to talk about. who in the hell is calling my girlfriend at almost 11 pm?" sabrina asked growing annoyed at the idea of someone talking to her girlfriend like that. then ideas popped into her head. did rowan cheat on her? no way right rowan could never? "sab. hey babe. sabrina?" rowan asked her to get her attention. "yeah?" sabrina grew quiet and kept her head down. "hey babe-" rowan said as she tilted her girlfriends head up to look at her. "did you cheat?" she asked bluntly. rowan was taken back at the question. rowan was by far the most loyal girlfriend ever. she would never do such a thing and honestly she was quite offended. "did i cheat?! what the hell sabrina! why and the hell would you think i'd do that?!" rowan said annoyed and backing away. "did you or did you not rowan?" sabrina asked growing more annoyed. "are you kidding me when do i even have the time to cheat? you soccer and school keep me full enough!" "rowan?!" "no sabrina i didn't fricking cheat! god that was a call from my coach" she said getting off the bed. rowan looked up and saw sabrina still looked the same. she chuckled angrily. "my national team coach. she's on the east coast so it's like 9 there" rowan shook her head. "oh" was all sabrina could manage to say. "oh? really? i don't know why i try with you! this happens every time!"
rowan complains. "oh don't act like you don't get jealous rowan" sabrina shoots back. "that's not what i'm talking about. you know what i'm boys gonna go home" rowan said grabbing her keys. "rowannnn" sabrina dragged out. rowan ignored her and jogged down the stairs. sabrina let her go. rowan got into her jeep and sat there frustrated her mind going a mile a minute. god why does she think i'd do that! she groans and starts her car. she's about to pull out when her girlfriend comes charging out. "rowan! wait!" she yells. "go inside sabrina" rowan tells her. "just text me when you get home okay?" she told her. rowan could see her cheeks were tear stained and her voice was cracking. rowan nodded and pulled out of the driveway. she got home and angrily opened her door. she changed and got in bed. she sent a quick text saying she got home. before letting sleep take over her body. the next morning she woke up knowing her house would be empty. she got up and headed down stairs. she noticed the familiar person sitting downstairs. sabrina heard the floor creek and looked up to see her girlfriend. she took in her appearance. one of the legs of her sweats rolled up and her messy ponytail wayyyy beyond repair. but she still looked cute. "hey" she said. "what are you doing her sabrina?" rowan asked annoyed. "i uh i brought you donuts and coffee. look i'm sorry okay i freaked out last night for no reason. i trust you so much ro and you're everything to me. i'm really sorry babe" she said standing up. rowan debated in her head what to do. she walked down the stairs fully. she looked into the box of donuts sabrina brought and picked out the one with sprinkles. she took a bite of it and walked over to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around
her. sabrina relaxed into her and hugged her back tightly. "you want a donut?" rowan asked as she pulled away. sabrina laughed and nodded. they sat down and ate their donuts. "so you never finished telling me what your coach said" sabrina told her. "uh yeah i got my call up to the senior team. i'm off to camp in a couple of weeks." rowan told her smiling. "oh my god!! oh my god ! babe that's amazing!!! im so proud of you congrats!!" she jumped up. sabrina didn't really understand soccer all that much but when she took a liking to rowan she made it her mission to learn. now she wasn't an expert like her girlfriend but she knew what she needed too and actually found it quite interesting. especially when it involved a sweaty rowan who would do that thing where she uses her jersey to wipe her sweat and you get a great glimpse of her v line. "thanks babe. but uh that's not all" rowan told her. now for the hard news. "uh if all works out amazing. i'll be playing at qualifiers and at friendlies and i'll be in camps and maybe the world cup". rowan told her. sabrina knew what this meant. "so you'll be gone ? a lot?" she asked. rowan could only nod. she took a deep breath. "but this is what you want. and i'm happy for you and you know i'm gonna support you in any way i can rigjt? even if it means i have to go a few days without seeing you" she said. "this is why i'm with you" rowan smiled and pulled the girl in for a tight hug. "me too ro me too" sabrina smiled sadly into her shoulder. the two were laying in rowans bed. rowan watching a soccer game. barca v real madrid. and sabrina scrolling through twitter. the game was so intense rowan sat on the edge of her bed jumping up every now and then. "woah- hey! that's a foul!!!" she would yell. "babe. babe did you see that?! that was a foul right?" she asked. "hmmm sure"'sabrina would say still looking through her phone. "woah. babe look. their doing the replay! babe are you even watching?" rowan said. "what?" sabrina asked noticing her girlfriends glaring at her. "ugh. come on let's go outside i wanna try that move" rowan said excited as she tossed on a pair of shorts and grabbed her cleats and ball. sabrina sat on one of the outside couches this time actually watching. rowan was captivating with a ball at her feet. she moved in ways no one should be able to and she made it look good. she could stay there for hours just watching the girl. after an hour or two sabrina left to go meet the girls for something and rowan got ready to go for a run. she ran about two miles before getting back. she trained a lot. more than anyone and it paid off. she never really loved conditioning but she liked to go to practice. anything about soccer was fun for her. "hey champ" her dad said as he opened the door. she was outside shooting the ball around. "hey dad!" she called. he dropped off his bag and headed outside. "did you watch the game?" he asked her. "yeah. pretty crazy huh?" she stopped her shooting. her dad was an avid soccer fan but really got into when rowan did. "yeah. i see you've already nailed the hat trick there" he said motioning his finger to the ball. "wanna see?" she asked picking up the ball. he nodded and with ease rowan dribbled popped the ball up to herself and clipped it in with her back heel. "that's my girl" her dad smiled. "what are you gonna do today?" he asked. "mmm i kinda wanna go surfing. what about you?" "that actually sounds kinda nice. i'll tag along" he told her. "okay yeah let me just change real quick" she un laced her cleats and jumped up. "alright. me too" he said heading to his room. when both were ready they loaded up the boards on rowans jeep and drove the 10 minutes to the beach. "they let you go early today?" she asked. "yeah. they did." he told her. the two raced down to the ocean and paddles out. they surfed for a few hours and then headed home when they were done. "so what are you doing tonight?" he asked. "uhh i'm not to sure. what about you?" she asked. "i was thinking of doing a little barbecue here? having the guys over?" he asked her. "sounds like fun. i'm in" she told him. "great. im gonna go change then head to the store and pick up all that stuff. what do you think we should do for dessert?" he asked. "mmm ooo what about strawberry shortcake?" she asked. "ooo you're right. sounds awesome. okay i'll be back" he told her. "hey. you wanna see if sab wants to come by?" "yeah i'll text her." she yelled back. she went into the shower and called her girlfriend. "hey baby" sabrina said. "hey what are you doing tonight?" "uhhh i'm not sure. why what's up?" "uh my dads doing a small barbecue with the guys and i think mason and chandlers family if you want to come by" she said. "oh yeah. i'll check and let you know k? what time?" "like 5ish?" "okay yeah i'll be there. bye."
after showering she washed her face and brushed her teeth. put some mosturizer on and changed. she put on a pair of white shorts and a black muscle tee. she slid on a pair of sunglasses stole a look in the mirror then headed down stairs. she took a seat on a bar stool and went on her phone. she got a notification that abby wambach posted a photo. she scrolled through her account and a huge smile spread across her face. this could be her. these team photos she would soon be apart of. she was humble. she never liked cockyness but she knew she was good. she had broken records during every highschool season and at every national team camp she always shined brighter than everyone. and at the u-20 world cup she shattered records. rowan knew she was easily one of the best midfielders in the country but things would be different now that she was with the senior team. but she knew what she wanted. professional soccer player, world cup champion, olympic gold medalist. "what's got you all smiley?" her dad asked. "just thinking" she shrugged. "are you excited?" he asked her. "try nervous" she chuckled. "you'll do great. they chose you for a reason ro." he told her. "come on let's go outside and get grilling. people will be here soon" he told her. she nodded and followed. shortly after people began showing up. "awww look who it is!" one of the guys said hugging rowan tightly. "ahhh. mark. can't. breathe" she joked. "hey marissa" she greeted marks girlfriend with a hug. "hey sweetheart" she said hugging rowan. rowan greeted everyone and chatted around. she turned when her girlfriend emerged from tik house. she had on a pair of ripped jeans shorts and a white shirt. rowan smiled at her as she made her way over to greet her. "hey"
she said hugging her quickly and pecking her lips. "hey" she smiled. rowan took her hand and lead her to where the guys and their girls were. sabrina greeted everyone and then sat with mason and chandler. "hey i'm gonna go grab and drink. you want something?" she offered. "yeah can you grab me a lemonade please" rowan nodded and left. "wait everyone!! real quick i have something i need to share!" rowans dad yelled out. "i know rowans not gonna like me making a big deal out of this but i want everyone to know-" "to know that my dad should stop talking!" rowan called bringing out the lemonades. rowan handed sabrina hers and sabrina wrapped her arms around rowans bicep. "i want everyone to know that my baby girl is a world cup champion! she shattered records this summer and i know we (he motioned to some of the guys) were so so amazed when we got to watch you play against china and columbia. and now everyone she has gotten her call up to the senior team!" he announced. rowan hid her face slightly and blushed. sabrina leaned in and smiled against her cheek. "so as of 2 weeks from now we could be looking at a senior national team player! ro were so proud of you baby. congrats" he said. everyone put their drinks in the air. "congrats!" we're shouted. sabrina kissed her girlfriends cheek. "congrats ro" she said quietly. after everyone ate it they hung around drinking and talking deep into the night. rowan walked sabrina out to her car when it got late. "that speech your dad gave was really sweet" she said rubbing her thumb on the back of rowans hand. "it was kinda embarrassing" she said. "well i know you don't love all of that but he's right babe we're so so proud of you"she said. she turned and kissed her girlfriend intensely. her hand pulling on rowans neck and one hand on her waist. rowan bent down and connected their lips. her hands floating to sabrinas waist. rowan took the opportunity to slip her tongue in to her girlfriends mouth and sabrina let her have access. a small moan was extracted when rowans hands went lower and one hand grabbed her but and squeezed. sabrina knee two could play at this game so she flipped the girl over and leaned against her as rowan leaned against the wall of the house. sabrina lifted her leg up to rest against rowans center and her hand sliding under the girls shirt. "mmm" rowan moaned out softly. "i suggest. you stop that. unless. mmm. you want me to take you right here" rowan rushed out as sabrinas mouth moved to her neck. "who's the top now?" she said slowly into her girlfriends ear as her leg pushed harder. "fuck babe" rowan moaned out again. she sucked on her ear lobe and rowan could feel herself getting closer. she pushed her off slightly. "ahem. good night sabrina" rowan said. sabrina chuckled. "goodnight babe" rowan opened her door for her. before rowan could leave sabrina pulled on the girls wrist. "so what time should i expect you tonight?" she asked seductively. "give me an hour" was all rowan said before heading back into the house. sabrina smiled to herself. almost 5 months of dating and she still had this effect on the girl. god rowan sanchez she thought.

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