Chapter 5: The Coffee Shop

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Lance and JC drove to a coffee shop that was a little far away from the video shoot. While in the car, Lance turned on some music. "Fly Away" by Michael Jackson was playing. "Oh I love this song!" beamed JC. "So do I!" said Lance. "It's one of my favorite songs of all time. Maybe I can write a song inspired by it." said JC. "Yeah! That would be amazing!" beamed Lance. 20 minutes later, they arrived the coffee shop. "Cool place" said JC. "Yeah" Lance agreed. Later, they ordered coffee and sat at a table. "So did you have fun shooting the music video?" asked JC. "Um...yeah. I did" said Lance. Between sips of coffee, Lance can hardly bring himself to the words of telling JC how much he loves him. Lance nervously sipped his coffee. JC noticed. "Are you ok?" he asks. "Um, yeah. I'm ok", Lance said. "You sure?". "Yeah". Later, after finishing their coffee, they decided to go to the park. Lance picked up a stick and chased JC with it. "Hey! Hey!" JC was laughing. "Come here, you handsome little thing!" Lance commanded. "What did you say", JC stopped and looked at him. Lance dropped the stick and suddenly got nervous. "Uh....nothing", Lance got sweaty. JC came up to him. "Oh crud! Now look what you've done Lance! Now he's gonna...hurt you" Lance said inside his head. "Maybe we should take this back home". JC sounded serious. Lance gulped.

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