Hanging Out

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× Kenma POV ×
So Akaashi decided to come over at my place to watch some movies, horror movies to be precise. We like making fun of the storyline most of the time. I hear 3 knocks on my door, then I go to open it.
'Good afternoon Kenma,' he said walking in with a smile on his face.
'Good afternoon to you too,' I said leading him to the couch, 'So what do you wanna do?' I asked.
'Aren't we gonna watch movies?' Akaashi replied looking slightly confused.
'Well... I thought you might be hungry or something?' I said.
'Not really. You probably have a reason for asking that, what is it?' Akaashi asked. I looked away  thinking of how I was gonna explain it.
'W-well I was thinking if you'd wanna play a few games before we watch and...' I said in a tiny voice.
'If you want to then I don't mind,' Akaashi said smiling. I suddenly looked away.
'Huh, Kenma what's wrong?' Akaashi asked me going closer. I pushed him away covering my face, w-why is his smile so cute????
'Kenma? Did I do something wrong?' Akaashi said kind of panicking.
'Ah.. it's nothing don't worry,' I reassured him.
'Hey, your all umm... red,' Akaashi told me. I started panicking and covered my face. Akaashi let out a chuckle.
'N-not funny...' I said to him looking away.

× Akaashi POV ×
I've never seen Kenma flustered before...
'So are we gonna play games or not?' I told him with a grin. He turned his head to look at me still a bit red.
'Oh your on,' Kenma said. So me and Kenma played, Kenma won most of them but then he chose Pichu and lost.
'That was because I chose Pichu.'
'It's because I am improving Kenma.'
'It's freaking Pichu.'
After Kenma lost I hugged him and told him 'I'm improving Kenma you just have to accept it,' Kenma hit me after that. So then we did what we were supposed to do. Watch horror movies.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading this! I will try my best to write the other book but for now I hope you stay tuned and also stay safe from Coronavirus and wash your hands!! Goodbye <3

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