30 Days After

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So, the two finally had seemed to find some kind of routine. They took turns making breakfast, and if Hinata didn't have work or class in the morning, they would sit at the kitchen table together and do work. Hinata was usually gone by noon, so on those days, Kageyama would run in the midday heat. When Hinata left in the morning, Kageyama would usually run earlier, even though he was getting to where he kind of liked the sun beating down on him.

Kageyama would make dinner most days, since he was usually the one who was home. On the rare days when Hinata didn't have a shift or a late afternoon class, he would cook  something. They tried to keep everything balanced, so one person wasn't always doing more than the other. Kageyama would go volunteer at the animal shelter after his run, and there was even talk of him getting a job at the horticulture garden on campus. Hinata tried not to pressure him, but with him only working a part time job, money was getting a little thin.

Kageyama's parents helped pay for the apartment, it was theirs, after all. When Hinata and Kageyama started college, they stopped renting it out to people and let them have it for the time being. Hinata, especially grateful, insisted that they would pay for food and everything else themselves, even though Kageyama's parents had offered to help with that, too. Hinata just refused to be that dependent on them. At the beginning, Hinata had wanted to make sure that, if necessary, he could get on by himself, with buying food and saving a little bit of each of his paychecks. Now, that wasn't an issue that Hinata really worried about, but he still wanted independence, for both him and his boyfriend. 

Regardless, things were going well. Kageyama seemed to be getting a lot better, at least from what Hinata could tell. He still had some, ah, intimacy issues, but Hinata tried to not let that get to him. He's still healing, Hinata always told himself. People heal in different ways. But, he still felt like there was something Kageyama was hiding from him, something that he wasn't saying. Hinata didn't want to pull anything out of him that he didn't want to say, but Hinata really wanted his boyfriend to be open with him. What did they have if they didn't have trust?

These were the usual thoughts that ran through Hinata's head when he made breakfast in the morning. On the days when he made breakfast, it was almost as if he had the whole house to himself. Kageyama was either asleep, or in the shower getting ready for the day. Hinata was alone with his thoughts, and a frying pan. 

After a while, Kageyama walked into the kitchen, his hair still wet from the shower. He was wearing jeans and a loose gray tank top. He hoisted himself up onto the counter so he could watch Hinata mix the little ham slices into the eggs. 

"Hey, Shoyo," he said cheerfully. 

"Hey, Tobio. You're in an unusually good mood this morning," Hinata said, handing Kageyama his coffee, made just how he liked. 

"Unusual? You're saying I'm not always this delightful?" Something in Kageyama's voice sounded strained, but Hinata just put it off to weird morning vibes. 

"Oh, come on. We both know you're not a morning person," Hinata said, laughing lightly. 

"Ah, well, today I am!" Hinata rolled his eyes. No one became a morning person overnight. "Anyway, I had this great idea. We've both been pretty busy lately, just trying to get back into the flow of things, but I think it's about time that we went on a proper date. We haven't been out together in such a long time, not since..." Kageyama trailed off, not needing to finish the sentence. They both knew what he meant. 

"Okay, sure. You're right, it has been a while," Hinata said, smiling at his boyfriend. Hinata left out an internal sigh of relief. These were all good signs. He was actively showing interest in going out with Hinata. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt, a tank top at that, with little to no inclination to hide his arms, a habit he had had for so long. He was smiling, he was up early, how could this not be seen as progress? So, why, then, did Hinata have that sinking feeling that there was still something wrong? That there was something he was missing?

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