Might as well

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"Hannah? Hannnahhhh? Hannah?!" I wake up my sister, well I hope she's my sister. She stirs and groans. "Whaaat?" She whines "cmon we've got to go, we don't want to be late do we?" It made her get up a bit faster. "I don't have anything to wear, I don't have a toothbrush, a hairbrush, I look like shit!" I laugh "relax I went and got you a toothbrush, hairbrush, an outfit, and anything else a girl would need after you fell asleep last night. I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd go and get you some stuff." She perks up "what kind of outfit did you get me?" She raises her eyebrow at me. "I got you a white tank top with a red and black plaid button up, shorts, and converse" she stands up and hugs me. "Thank you so much! I really hope you're my brother! Not just because your Harry styles but because you'd be an amazing brother, you'd take care of me, and you'd protect me with all your heart." I smile at the thought of protecting her, she isn't wrong about that I'd do anything to protect her. "I hope I am too! Now go get ready and we'll be on our way." She nods grabbing the stuff I laid out for her. "Oh and hannah?" She turns around "how old are you now?" She smiles "sixteen" and walks into the bathroom.

"Alright, do we have everybody?" Paul asks "I think so" zayn responds. Zayn, liam, and Louis are sitting in the backseat and hannah, niall, and I are sitting in the seat in front of them, then Paul and the driver in the front "ok let's go" Paul says to the driver as he starts to drive off.

In the car

"Will you guys calm yourselves back there?" I laugh at the boys in the back. Louis looks at me "Don't worry about us. Pay attention to your....um....uh....siiiis..ter?" I laugh "I guess we can call her my sister for now until we're certain." She smiles and nods "what's wrong?" I ask she waves her hand "nothing" I cocktail my head. "No, tell me" she shrugs her shoulders "we don't know much about each other, I think we should ask each other some questions" I smile " I think that's a great idea!" Niall says "I'll say something and count to three and you both answer at the same time." Zayn pitches in "we'll all help with the questions" we all nod "ok I'll go first" louis says "name your favorite food, one..two..three!" We both take a breath "tacos!" We both laugh "wait you like....no you go first" we say at the same time. "Ok next one, name your favorite fruit...one..two..three!" Another breath "Bananas!" We just look at each other "wow you guys have a couple things in common!" I look at her smiling at niall. Could she have a crush on him? "Favorite pet...one...two...three!" Breath "dogs" "cats" I laugh "there's a difference!" We all laugh "my turn!" Liam yells "Favorite exotic animal...one..two.....three!" I smile "monkeys" "jaguars!" I look at her "jaguars?" She laughs "Yes I love them, they're so pretty and they move quickly and so elegantly" I look at her in awe. "What?" She asks me "nothing it's just cute." She laughs "thank you!"

"We are here" Paul says from the front of the van. I look over at hannah "are you ready?" She nods uneasily. I put my arm around her "it'll be ok I promise" she looks at me "that's not why I'm worried. I want to be your sister, I do but I'm worried at what my parents are going to try and tell me." I look at her "then you'll just have to listen to them." I look at her "wait you don't know if your adopted or not" she nods her head to confirm "I'm sure they'll have an explanation." She nods "thanks harry." We continue to walk into the hospital. When we enter I walk up to the main desk with hannah on my side. "We're looking for the paternity floor?" I ask the nurse nicely "it's on the tenth floor" as she points to the elevator, I smile "thank you" Hannah wraps her hands around my bicep. "It's going to be ok love" I kiss her forehead. When we get into the elevator niall's twitter notifications start going off luke crazy he Checks them, then louis start going off, then liam and then all the way to me. We're all looking at them. I stare at the tweets in shock and worry. "Harry what's going on?" Hannah asks at my side I show her the tweets. She puts her hand over her mouth in shock "how do they know about me already?" I just stare at the floor and think to myself "I'm not sure love." Niall speaks up. "But they're asking to post a picture of the two of you together. "Might as well." I say to them "are you sure you want to do that yet?" Liam asks "might as well, they already know about her." He nods "c'mere babe" I put my arm around her and she leans in, I hold my phone out in front of me. I take the picture.
Harry_styles: My lovely hopefully sister.

I posted while she watched it post, she just watched in awe. As soon as it was out favorites and retweets were there right away. She couldn't believe it. "Do you have a twitter, and instagram?" I ask "No I deleted them because my parents thought they were inappropriate" I stare at her "that's bullshit" louis speaks "yeah tell me about it." She responds I love that the guys all like her. The elevator made a ding sound letting us know we made it to the tenth floor. We all exited the elevator following the signs to the paternity room. When we walked in there were some couples arguing and then there was a woman in the corner with her head in her hands. "Gemma?" I walk up to the woman "hey harry." My older sister stands up "what are you doing here?! Please don't tell me...." I'm cut off "Oh god no! I came to see our little sister." I sigh in relief "well hopefully she is our sister." I smile we walk over to hannah "Hannah? This is gemma. Our older sister" she smiles "I know who she is." Gemma hugs hannah "it's so nice to meet you." Hannah giggles "it's very nice." I look to the desk "I'm going to go check us in" they both nod. "Um hi, I'm here under styles?" The woman nods typing "yes you're here a few minutes early so go ahead and take a seat in the waiting room until your name is called." I smile "thank you." She nods "you're welcome sir" I walk up to gemma and hannah talking "uh we're a few minutes early so we can wait until our name is called. "Ok sounds great." Hannah called out. Ten minutes has past and I'm starting to get a little aggrivated with all the little ones, it's not that I don't like kids, I love kids. But some of them just won't stop screaming and running around. "Styles?" My thoughts are cut off. Hannah, gemma, niall, and I stand up. We got up to the nurse "I'm sorry but only the people that this appointment is counted for can go in so that would be Mr. Styles and Ms. Ryan. Gemma and niall look at each other. "Guys it's ok, just go and wait for us." They both nod and go sit down. Hannah and I continuing to follow the short nurse. She looks young. "Alright, here we are. The doctor will be with you shortly." Hannah smiles "thank you" I speak to her, she nods as in "you're welcome" Hannah and I were sitting in a calm silence, I was holding her hand. She was nervous so I thought I'd comfort her. She squeezed my hand. "Hey it'll be ok." She looks at me "I know, I'm just nervous." I'm starting to wonder why she's so nervous "why are you so nervous?" I ask her "I don't like needles." She says plainly, I start to chuckle a bit, she playfully hits my arm "it's not funny! I've never liked needles and I never will!" I put my hands up in surrender, when I hear a knock, and the doctor walks in. "It looks like you two are practically already certain you're family, by the way you're acting towards each other." He chuckles to himself "so? This is hannah?" She smiles at him shaking his hand "yes sir, that's me." She speaks to him. "When harry called, he talked highly of you. Said you were beautiful, and might I add? He was right. You're a beauty." She hides her cheeks.
" so are you guys ready to start the test?" The doctor asks us. "Yes, I just want to get it over with" Hannah spits out. The doctor laughs "well already then, I'll just need a small blood sample from both of you then I can take it to the lab to have it tested for any signs or matches that you're brother and sister." We both nod in agreement. "Ok, so who wants to go first?" We both look at each other. "I will" I speak up. The doctor nods "Alrighty! Have a seat right here Mr. Styles! " I sit up on the exam table for him to draw a little bit of my blood. "Ready..three... two." He stuck it in my arm before he got to one. That's a smart guy. "Alright you're all done.. hannah come on, sit right here" he pats the table. She walks to the table slowly approaching, so I give her a little nudge in the back. "Come on you'll be fine." She shoved my hand away. "I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself you asshole." She laughs at her comment. I raise my hands in defense. She sits on the table "Alrighty ready?" She nods "three...." He stuck it in sooner than me bc she hates needles more than me. She cringes. "Oww!" He removes the needle "ok, you're all done."

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