The ride back home to the Dursleys

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Harry's POV 

I was sitting in the compartment by myself when an obnoxius brat with flaming red hair swung the door open ruining the peace and tranquility with his presence. The girl behind him wasn't much better, with her know-it-all attitude and bush like hair. Their names? Hermione granger and Ronald weasley. "Harry there you are mate, we've been searching all over!" The red head complained while I discreetly rolled my eyes at his obvious annoyed tone. "Yeah Harry, we were worried," worried about your money, I scoffed in my head. "'Mione, I've been here the entire beginning of the train ride." I replied dryly, trying not to sneer at them. "Stop lying! We checked here 3 times already!" Hermione said with an obvious tone of annoyance, ugh why do I still put up with them!?! I complained to myself. They sat down and started talking to each other, throwing me a disgusted look here and there. "Potter! Is it true that you still cry over that night your parents died!?!" Came the actually welcomed voice of Draco Malfoy. "I'd offer you some tissues but I doubt you would take them and looked weak!" Draco gave me a subtle wink, as we are friends and have been for the past year.

It happened when I overheard a conversation between hermione, dumbledoor, Ron and Ginny

Flashback time!!!Brought to you by Voldemort's ballerina cult

I was strolling casually through the hallways, imangining what the 16yr old Tom riddle would look like in a pink tutu with his army of pink ballerinas in front of hogwarts dancing and prancing. I was bought out of my thoughts by an obnoxius voice that belonged too a Ronald Weasley "Dubledoor we want more money!!Potter is an insufferable gift and stupider than a rock!!" Blah Blah Blah they talk shit bout home end of flashback


Harry:I'm owned by J.K Rowling

Draco:I'M owned by Tome Riddle and I share Potter with him

Harry:Hey! Draco stop

Sirius: yeah. I'm being dead Sirius,

Draco: Sirius is owned by Remus

Sirius:*Turns into a tomato*

Harry: I'm being serious Draco!!

Sirius: No! I'm being me!

Remus:I question my sanity on marrying him. I really do.

Tom: this is... amusing

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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