Chapter 2

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Three large men with expressionless faces started banging on the door. The lady at the front desk opened it and they burst in, motioning for Luke.

"She's coming with me," he told the men. They nodded and grabbed both of us. We were pulled through the crowd in opposite directions. I might as well have walked through the crowd myself because even with a big man in front of me, my limbs were still being pulled on and girls were still screaming into my ears. I wasn't annoyed by it though, as I myself would do the exact same thing if I saw Luke Hemmings leaving a store with a random girl.

Soon I was shoved into a black vehicle, squished between Luke and the huge man that had "guided" me through the crowd. I didn't say a word and neither did anyone else as the car started slowly moving down the street. Girls were pounding on the windows, taking pictures of us with their phones and yelling things like,"Who's that?" and,"Why is she in there?"

I looked down towards my feet not wanting to look at them or anyone in the car.

Once we got to the end of the street, most of the girls were gone and we were able to travel at regular speed to a destination I did not know. After ten minutes we pulled into the parking garage of a hotel and the big man was once again pulling my arm.

I was lead through the hotel and into an elevator separate from Luke. When the doors closed, the man pressed the button for level twenty-six and then swiped a card, causing a beep to sound. The doors opened once the elevators were stopped and I was led down a small hallway to a door with no handle. I heard laughing inside as the man swiped the same card he used in the elevator in front of a black box on the door. A clicking sound was made and the door propped open. I stood there waiting for the large and silent human to do something, but he didn't. Looking up at him, he gestured for me to open the door.

"This is where I leave you," he said before walking away. I stared at the door with shaking hands knowing my favorite band was behind it. Finally, I decided to pull it open and walk in.

Three boys looked up at me, not moving and suddenly quiet.

"Umm..are you supposed to be in here?" Ashton asked, looking nervous. He probably thought I was a crazy fan that ninja-ed her way in.

My throat went dry and I swallowed before replying,"The large man left me here."

"Can you be more descriptive? There's lots of large men in America," Michael said, laughing at himself. I didn't say anything, embarrassed because I never took any time to look at the guy.

"Be nice to her," Calum said. "She's probably lost or something. Maybe she's looking for the pizza guy."

Normally I would laugh at anything Calum Hood said, but his mocking words lit a small spark inside of me.

"I'm not looking for pizza," I stated. "If I was hungry I wouldn't be searching in a hotel."

"OOOOO!!" Ashton screamed at Calum, pointing. "She's better than Michael!"

"No one's sassier than me," Michael insisted. "They can come close, but never equal or more than."

The boys started arguing and I heard a click behind me. I turned around to see Luke walk in and he smiled at me. Nobody else had noticed him yet so he walked over to me and whispered,"Sorry we were separated. Glad you made it here though."

He coughed after he said this and the boys looked over at him.

"Hey Luke! There's a girl in here. Think she was looking for pizza." Calum said.

"Did you get in any trouble, Luke?" Ashton laughed.

"Yeah, you look a bit out of shape," Michael added, gesturing to his entire body.

"Thanks for leaving me guys, really. I was stuck in a tattoo parlor for almost an hour." he told them.

"How does one get stuck in a tattoo parlor?" Michael asked.

"One gets stuck in a tattoo parlor when hundreds of girls started mobbing them," Luke answered.

"Well ya got out so all is well," Ashton casually said.

"Natalie was stuck in there with me," he continued, ignoring the drummer.

"Who's that?"

"The girl that was looking for pizza."

"I knew she was looking for pizza!" Calum yelled.

"I wasn't looking for pizza!" I yelled back, making them all quiet down.

They stared at me for a second before Michael suggested,"Hey we should order some. Who wants sausage?"

The boys started yelling out different toppings when Luke interrupted them and said,"We're not ordering pizza. I brought Natalie here to meet you guys because her friend got to meet us and she didn't. So be nice and take selfies or something."

"There's a lot of girls that don't get to meet us. Why did you bring her and not all the others?" Ashton questioned.

"He probably loves her. Look at that loving smile." Michael joked, as I was not smiling at all. I thought it would be really fun to meet them and get to hang out, but I realized this was not a fan fiction and they weren't going to magically all fall in love with me and fight over who gets to be my boyfriend. "I don't think a picture is needed. We will probably be seeing her again."

"Really guys? You're choosing now to be assholes?" Luke said, clearly embarrassed. Suddenly feeling very uncomfortable, I slowly backed out of the room and into the hallway. I went to the elevators knowing a key wasn't needed to go back down. If I went down now, I wouldn't be able to come back up.

I pressed the button to the elevator deciding it would be better for everyone if I had just left the situation. Hoping one of them would come running at the last second to stop the elevator doors, I watched as they closed completely shut, beginning the descend down to the lobby.

The doors slid open to the lobby and a bunch of girls ran into my elevator when I got out. Confused, I looked around and saw the entire floor was filled with fans and the hotel security was trying to evacuate them. Nobody paid attention to me as I made my way through the crowd and onto the streets outside.

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