I shut my eyes and inhaled quickly.

"It doesn't even hurt that bad."he said.

"Shut up." I said wincing at the pain.

He finished cleaning them up and bandaged them. He then carefully kissed my hands.

"There you go chula."

I smiled at the small action that he did. We both looked at each other and I couldn't help but fall for him even more.

The first time I visited Freeridge, I bumped into Oscar when I went to a party with Mario. Mario told me to never catch feelings or date him.

No matter how hard I tried, Oscar was always stuck in my head. 24/7, day and night.

"What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?"

"Nada."I smiled.

He just nodded and helped me down from the sink. We walked back into the party and I walked over to Ruby.

"Karla!!"He yelled.

"Please don't tell me you're wasted Ruby."I said.

"Okay no I'm not. But I wish I was."he said looking over at Cesar and Olivia.

"You know what, fuck it. Lets get wasted Ruby."

His eyes kind of glowed from the excitement. I held my hand out and he grabbed it. We went to the backyard and I grabbed the Don Julio.

"Okay whoever gets drunk first has to buy the other In n Out tomorrow."I said.

I held my hand out and he shook it.

"Looks like I just got free In n Out."I laughed.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the bottle drinking it. He didn't last because then he started coughing and making faces.

I grabbed the bottle and then started drinking it. I kind of chugged a lot and then I put it down. I then walked over to the tub where all the drinks were and opened a Corona.

I opened one for Ruby too. I handed it to him and we started dancing. We took some more shots and before I knew it Ruby was on the couch fast asleep.

"Ruby! Come on we still gotta turn up."I slurred.

"Ruben wake yo ass up!"I yelled.

"Ruby please get up. We gotta get home."I slurred again.

He groaned and got up. He sat down and made some room for me to sit next to him. I did and then he laid his head on my lap.

"Goodnight Karla."he slurred.

"Goodnight Ruby."I said yawning.

We then fell fast asleep on the couch outside.

9:30 am.

A loud crash woke me up. I sat up and realized I was in someone's bed. I heard some light snoring and I looked over.

I saw Oscar sleeping next to me. My eyes grew wide and I couldn't believe it.

I looked under the covers and saw that I had a large shirt on. I sighed relaxing that we didn't sleep together.

I tried to carefully get out of the bed but failed. He groaned and opened his eyes looking at me. He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Please tell me we didn't have sex."I said.

He laughed, "No chula we didn't. You and your kid fell asleep on the couch in the back and I brought you in here and Cesar brought your kid to his room."

I sighed. I then changed into my pants and went to grab my shirt but realized it wasn't there.

"Where's my shirt?"

"You threw up all over it so I gave you one of mine."

I closed my eyes for a minuet due to embarrassment. "Thank you."

He chuckled. "De nada."

I put my shoes on. And walked out the door. I knocked on Cesar's door and he opened it.

"Hey is he awake?"I asked.

He nodded and stepped aside so I could walk in. I walked in and Ruby was laying on the bed. I shook him and he groaned.

"Come on, we gotta go."I said.

He groaned and got up. He looked so pale and dead.

"Come on big baby."I said helping him up.

He grabbed onto my arm and I said bye to Cesar. We left his room and started heading out the front door.

"Ruby you can't just lean on me the whole way."I groaned.

"Watch me."

"Fuck Ruby I didn't even bring the car so we gotta walk."

He groaned loudly and whined the whole walk there. We finally arrived and everyone was at church so we were good.

We walked into the house and Ruby ran to the bathroom to throw up. I went to the washing machine and put my shirt in it to wash it.

I then walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. I sighed and genuinely was tired. Ruby came and sat next to me.

"You still owe me In n Out."I said.

"Fine." he groaned.

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