I noticed how the sun was setting. I let out a sigh and started running towards the hotel. There was a stoplight that separated the park from the hotel so I pressed on the button for a walkway.

I noticed the light turned red for cars and the walkway said, "Start Crossing."

I immediately started running across the crosswalk.

I heard a girl yell, "Watch out!"

I noticed a huge truck approaching me with incredible speed, honking at me. The driver inside looked absolutely terrified, "The brakes aren't working!!" I heard him scream.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to run the full crosswalk without getting hit but I still tried. I couldn't go backwards either because I was already too far away.

I heard footsteps behind me as I ran. I stopped in fear as I noticed the truck was going to hit me. The person behind me pushed me full force, making me pass the crosswalk.

A huge wave of pain overcame me as I fell to the ground. It checked my body for injuries but found none.

That means... I jumped to my feet and noticed the truck driver was able to stop the truck but not without hitting the person who helped me. I ran in front of the truck to see the same girl who I talked to earlier completely passed out.

"I'm calling the ambulance!" The driver yelled at me.

My stomach was hurting extremely bad. I checked the girl for injuries and found out that the truck had done a number on the girl's stomach.

My legs weren't feeling that good either. I checked the girl's legs and noticed they were bruised really bad.

I knew in the deep parts of my soul this girl was my soulmate.

Tears poured down my face as I stared at her. She was bleeding from her stomach so I immediately took off my hoodie and put pressure on her stomach.

The pain this girl felt, I felt as well. I cried out in agony as I put pressure on her stomach because the pain was transferred to me.

It wasn't my pain though, it was hers. I pulled through it and held my hoodie in place while clenching my teeth.

I was crying. My heart is breaking.

Please be okay. Please.

The ambulance soon came. They placed her on the moveable bed and asked me some questions. I didn't really know how to answer in English so I frowned at them.

They asked me if I was able to go to the hospital and I nodded my head.

They told me that unless I was immediate family, I couldn't join the girl in the ambulance.

I nodded my head understanding, I tried to respond, "I have car."

They told me what the hospital was called before rushing away.

The driver looked at me in guilt and sadness, "I'm so sorry. I told the company that this truck has been having problems with the brake but they told me not to worry about it."

He had tears in his eyes, "I'll meet you at the hospital."

As soon as he turned away I ran to the hotel.

I ran in the elevator. I ran into my hotel room.

"Unnie! There you- what happened!?" Jihyo yelled.

I was crying really hard. My hands were covered in blood and I was only in my tank top.

"We need to go to XXX Hospital," I stated.

"What?" Nayeon questioned.

"I'll explain on the way. We need to go NOW." I quickly washed my hands and put on a new hoodie.

Everyone rushed into our van and told our driver the destination.

On the way over there, I explained everything.

I explained how I rushed to the hotel after the call, how I almost got run over, how I was saved, how the girl who saved me was my soulmate. I broke down multiple times telling the story.

Sana pulled me into a hug and cried with me.


I ran into the hospital and rushed to the hospital desk.

"May I help you?" The lady behind the counter asked.

I didn't know how to respond.

Mina eventually came over and said, "We're looking for a girl who got bit by a truck an hour ago or so."

"She's down the hall, on your left." The lady replied.

Mina told me what she said before all nine of us rushed to her room.

Before we went in there a doctor looked at us in grief, "I'm sorry girls but she didn't make it."

All of us burst into tears as we heard that.

My soulmate is gone because of me.


Requested by Sophia101_1

Another chapter done! I'm so proud of myself.

Do not worry. There is a part II.

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