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Your P.O.V)

I woke up, then did my morning routine, today I have schedule so I need to wake up early

"Babe let's go"I said
"Okay"she reply

As we arrived at the company our managers greet us

"Goodmorning too manager-nim" I said
"Babe I gotta go" Nayeon said and I nodded then she and her manager went inside
"Y/n let's go" my manager said and we went inside

(At the dance room)

"Y/n let's start?" my choreographer said and I nodded

So what I am doing right now is-okay I'm having a comeback so yeah

"Okay try it again" my choreographer said and I did it again

(1 hour later)

"Okay, let's have a break?" she said
"Uh...God, thank you"I said and bowed to her, then she nodded and went out

I went, out not forgetting my stuff, I went to the café near the company, as I arrived at the company someone texted me


Hey YUM, I'll get you
Someday don't worry
Seen 11:50

Just leave me alone will ya
I don't love you anymore
Seen 11:51

Then I'll force you to love
Me again
Seen 11:52

Fuck off
Seen 11:52


"Why didn't I blocked him?"I thought

"Stupid love"I said

I walked to the counter and order, after I ordered I went to a vacant seat and sat there

Minutes later my food came
"Ma'am here is your order" the waiter said and putted the food on the table
"Thank you"I said
"You're welcome, please enjoy the food"she said and leave, and I removed my mask

(After eating)

"*burp*, thank you"I said and putted my mask on, and walked out

I went to the conpany, to the elevater and lastly I arrived at the dance room, seeing my choreographer sitting while scrolling through her phone

" sorry I'm late"I said and bowed down
"Oh no, you're not I'm just early"she said smiling
"So shall we?"she added and I nodded

(After the practice)

"I'll go now"I said and bowed

I went outside as I saw Nayeon and she immediately hugged me and I hugged back

"How are you?"I asked
"I'm kinda tired, you?"she replied
"Same, let's go home"I said


We are now at the corridor at the company

"Wait, I'll just go to the toilet"I said to Nayeon and she nodded, then I continue where I was going

Nayeon' P.O.V

It's been 3 minutes and Y/n is still not here

Unknown's P.O.V

"Yes, Nayeon is in the corridor, yes, okay"I answered the phone

"Fuck it, why I'm I doing this?"I thought

"Of course, because you love him"I answered my thought

"I'm sorry, Nayeon and Y/n but I need to do this"I said

I walked to Nayeon, oh and btw I'm wearing all black with mask and hat SKL

Nayeon's P.O.V

"Why is she taking so long"I said whining, then I saw a boy?, who is wearing all black

"Shit-shit"I thought as I back away, because he is going in my way

"Hello~"he said and grabbed me
I was struggling because his grip is so strong

Your P.O.V

As I went back to Nayeon, I saw a man grabbing Nayeon's wrist

"PUTANGINA MO!!"I thought

I ran and punched the man, then he stumbled at the ground, and I went to Nayeon and hugged her cause she was crying

"Shhh...it's okay, I'm here"I said to her

Then the man stood up and ran away, Nayeon was crying, probably traumatized because of what happened

I brought her to the car and we droved home, she was still crying

"Damn, I swear I'll kill who ever that boy is!!"I thought getting angry

We went inside the house then I gave her a water, then we went to our room and make her rest

"Rest okay?, I know you're tired"I said as I stood up
"No, s-stay"she said, tears falling, I wiped her tears, then I laid down
"Sorry, it's all mg fault, if I was there he wouldn't do sonething"I said looking away
"Hey, don't worry, I'm okay"she said and hugged me

Minutes later she finally fell asleep, then Jungkook texted me


Hello, did you enjoy my
Little surprise?😏
Seen 5:59

Seen 6:00

HAHAHA I'll do anything
To get you YUM
Seen 6:01

I blocked his number, then I didn't know that I fell asleep


PUF's I'm back again with another chapter, hope you like it or love it.....comment if you have something to say and don't forget to vote every chapters and follow me

Word count: 763

Peace PUF's see you in the next chapter

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