What annoys them the most

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Ngl I walk around without pants all the time and talk to my brothers when they are trying to shower XD

• Whenever you have a free day of no training. You refuse to put pants on. You wear either an oversized shirt or a hoodie.
"Y/N! Geez cover up!" Leo shouts at you often.
"Make me! Now shush my favorite show is coming on."
"Raph! Y/N is refusing to put pants on!" He would shout to Raph because Raph never likes it.
"She's what?!"
"Leave me alone!" You always say while hiding under a blanket.

•When you get your period. They all know it's natural but they dread that week. They don't ever know what to expect outta you.
"DONNIE STOP BEING SO ANNOYING WITH YOUR TINKERING!" You would shout from the kitchen while eating left over pizza.
"I-I'm no- ok ok I'm sorry." Donnie mumbles.

"Y-Y/N...why is there a pair of BLOODY UNDERWEAR ON THE GROUND." Mikey says often.
"I don't know Mikey. You tell me. Quit being dumb and get me some chocolate."

"L-Leo!! I-I ca-can't anymore!" You cry and cry.
"What happened?! Are you okay? Talk to me." He panics.
"My fa-favorite tv character j-just went through a bre-break up! It's s-s-so sad!" You will cry into him.
"Shhh shhh it's ok. Damn periods." Leo always ends up mumbling something along those lines.

"Am I ugly?" You ask Raph often.
"Nah Pip Squeak you're fine."
"J-just fine?! I MUST BE HIDEOUS!" You scream and cry and than get angry at him.
"Woah clam down! Ya look great!"
"STOP LYING TO ME! YOU THINK IM TRASH!" You scream and cry and run away. You get insecure and usually blame Raph because he's so buff. Than you end up apologizing to him and hugging him.....only to get angry again.

•Donnie gets extremely annoyed when you take his electronics and not tell him. He can be looking around for hours for a specific item only to find out that you had borrowed it.

•Leo gets mostly irritated with you, when you complain about EVERYTHING. You're clothes. The food. The smell of the lair. The tv shows. Anything. Whenever you start complaining Leo just walks away and tries to ignore you.

•Raph Hates HATES when you go in his room. No doubt about it. Sometimes he hates when you just turn the nob and open the door to try to talk to him. He hates when you interrupt his Raph time.

•Mikey doesn't get annoyed to much with things you do. But he mainly gets annoyed when you eat three to four slices of pizza. He says you shouldn't be able to eat that much but than you fight back by eating more. It usually ends up with you two fighting over the last slice.

•The boys do not like how comfortable you can be around them. When they are trying to take showers, you have no problem walking in and asking them a question. They always say to get out and ask later.
Leo: Do you mind?!?
Donnie: Do you have any respect for PRIVACY?
Raph: Ya have 5 seconds to get out of here before I hurt you!
(They take showers separately btw. Just making sure you guys know that!)

•Leo and Raph do NOT like when you talk about cute boys. It makes their blood boil. You don't know why, it just does. Donnie and Mikey don't really mind. They think it's cute.

•They get annoyed a lot when you decide to hog up the tv for a night. There's 5 of you. You can't have the tv to yourself.

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