"Mhm trust me, he won't stop talking to me to know about you."

I looked over again and he was looking over at me, smirking. Ruby grabbed my arm pulling me forward. We continued to walk down the street.

We finally got to the corner store and I followed Ruby while he grabbed some stuff his mom told him to get.

The bell rang meaning someone opened the door to the store. I looked up and saw Oscar.

"Hey chula."he smiled.

"Hey Oscar."I smiled.

"You back?"he asked.

"Yeah just for today and we leave tomorrow morning again."

He rolled his eyes. "Just live here."

"It's my mom. If she wants to we would've lived here awhile ago, pero es la jeva."

He got closer to me. "Doesn't mean you still can't be mine."

I placed a hand on his chest looking up at him.

"Chulo, doesn't it ever cross your mind that maybe I don't want to be yours?"

He chuckled. Looking at me.

"That's why you call me chulo? That's why you always get nervous when I come near you?"he asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Karla! Come on!"Ruby yelled.

"Bye Spooky. I'll see you later."I said.

I pulled away from his body and started walking out. He grabbed my wrist.

"Come to the party at 10, my house."he said.

I shrugged my shoulders and got out of his hold. I catched up to him. We got back home and we started dinner.

I was sitting next to my mom and Ruby. We first prayed and then started eating. It was nice being around family.

My dad wasn't really in the picture just because he uped and left. It didn't really effect me only cause I was 1 but it was hard for my mom.

Now I was 21 working and trying to help her as much as I could. My mom stood up.

"I would like to make an announcement. We'll the both of us."she looked at me.

I smiled knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"Money has been hard and we don't wanna be as far away from our only family. So we both made the decision to move here."my mom explained.

Everyone smiled and Ruby looked at me excited. Everyone started talking again and Ruby looked at me.

"Really?!"he said.

"Yeah we talked about it on the way here. We move in next week."I smiled.

He smiled. All the parents then got up and started cleaning up. I was talking to Olivia trying to get to know her better. It got dark and I check my phone. It was 9.

The doorbell rang and I got up and walked over. I opened it and it was the group.

"Karla!"they all said happily.

"Hey guys."I smiled.

They all walked in and each gave me tight hugs. We all walked to the table and I sat next to Monse.

"So how have you been?"

"Better, it seems like everything is off."she said.

"You really aren't with him anymore?"I asked quietly.

She looked over at Cesar who had Olivia on his lap.


"I thought you guys would become official."I said.

"I thought so too."she frowned.

"How about you come with me to a party?"I said.

She groaned. "Come on Monse, please."

"Is it the Santos party?"she asked.

I kept quiet which answered her question.

"Wait your quince is in a month?!"Ruby yelled.

Olivia nodded.

"Dad, ma, Olivia's quince is in a month!"Ruby announced.

"Is that true mija?"Geny asked.

Olivia nodded and everyone got excited. They all started to make plans and Olivia didn't seem that into it.

"Hey do you guys wanna go to a party?"Cesar asked.

Everyone looked at each other and ended up nodding. We all then left the house and walked down the street to the Diaz's house.

There was still loud music and when we got closer the oder of beer and weed was more apparent. There were girls dancing everywhere and they were heading into the backyard.

We walked in and Monse and Jamal sticked with me. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Modelo. I offered some to Jamal and he denied. I offered one to Monse and she took it.

Jamal then left and disappeared and I was with Monse. We were honestly just enjoying ourselves and drinking.

"So you and Spooky huh?"she asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"We're just friends. We never fucked or kissed, so we're just friends."

She chuckled then stayed serious. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind me. There stood Oscar looking at me.

He walked over and looked down at me.

"I knew you couldn't resist me, chula."

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