parallel universe

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[ it doesn't seem to make sense
everything was going well ]

sean and kaycee were next door neighbors and it was no secret that they were best friends. trusted the other with their whole life. they were a packaged deal. wherever there was sean, there was kaycee and wherever there was kaycee there was sean. it was also no secret to the school that the two were talented on their own. but together, oh man when they do things together, they were beyond incredible. whether it was the school play, the talent show or a viral dance video, everyone saw how incredibly talented they are.

sean and kaycee were dance partners. getting booked for jobs here and there, quite the following on their not so active social medias, getting thousands of views on their dance class videos. but they weren't always dance partners.

it was their first day of seventh grade when sean begged kaycee to join the school choir having heard her belting out songs when it was just the two of them. that same year, kaycee tried to convince sean that he should join the school band. she reasoned that he would be a double threat because of his skills in both the guitar and the piano. but neither of them gave in to the other's request. instead, this lead to countless of lunch periods in the music room in which kaycee would force sean to play for her. he would agree if she sang along to whatever song he was gonna play. the two knew what their individual talents were. they were constantly praised by their parents and friends, but no one else.

it wasn't until eight grade when they realized the amount of talent they had when they were together. the drama teacher asked them both to play the leads of the fall musical after hearing one of their lunch gigs, as sean would call it, in the music room. at first sean and kaycee were terrified, both having no idea what it was like to be part of a full on production. unsure, they looked at each other with a smile that was all too familiar and said yes.

the summer after eight grade sean told kaycee he wanted them to try something new. kaycee being the most unsure person ever said no immediately. little did she know sean already knew this was gonna happen and prepared a speech on how they need to grow as artists and explore other hobbies. after a few minutes of silence, kaycee said yes without thinking about what the "something new" was going to be. sean gave her that smile. it was the smile.

dance. class.

kaycee was terrified. she had only ever taken one dance class in her life and that was a ballet class for toddlers. the car ride to the dance studio was silent. kaycee stared outside the window as a billion thoughts were going through her mind. sean didn't know how to help his best friend, so he just stared at her and felt sorry for basically forcing her to do this with him. he knew she wasn't one for trying new things, but he couldn't imagine not doing this with kaycee. once they were dropped off and the moms found a parking slot, sean wrapped his arms around kaycee.

"don't worry. you'll be fine. i'm right here." he smiled.

it wasn't so much the semi-hug that comforted kaycee, it was the smile. that smile. she took a deep breath and smiled back at him. it was the smile that sean always had to work hard to get. it wasn't because the girl didn't smile a lot, she did, but that specific one was special. it was the smile they gave to the other the moment they found out they were going on their very first trip to disneyland (with their moms of course).


it was the summer of '06 when they first met. the loud moving trucks came bright and early waking little kaycee up. she watched as a two girls who seemed older than her ran out of the silver car and went straight to the front door of the house right beside theirs. she smiled; excited with the thought that she would have more girls to play with.

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