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(Y/n's POV)

"Are you sure about this?"

I looked at my long time friend, Otto along with Rita, both looking at me with a sad look and which I returned with a solemn smile.

"It, hurts to know that the ones I trusted betrayed me but..." I chuckled hollowedly. "...perhaps, I should have seen this coming."

But I don't seem bothered by it, rather, I guess I have grown accustomed to being betrayed all the time.

"Master (Y/n)...." I heard Rita softly calls to me. "...T-this is not right..."

I looked at Rita and was shocked to see her bursting with anger, to see the calm maid show such angers surprises me so. Standing up, I walked towards her and stood in front of her, which she never noticed. Smiling, I gently pat her head, snapping her from doing something drastic.

"Rita, it's fine, really...." I was cut off by Rita who held my hand. "Perhaps, it is my fault."

"No, no, it's not your fault...." She said, looking at me with teary eyes as she put my hand to her cheek, slightly crying. "...if ever, it's their fault, for being incompetent and not understanding how much you work so hard!"

My heart felt like it'll shatter into million pieces by just seeing her like this, just seeing the person who cared for me like this pains me so.

"(Y/n), think this through..." I heard Otto said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "...I can transfer you instead, to be away from them."

"I, stand on my decision, Otto..." I said with finality in my voice. "...I, want to leave for the time being."

"Master (Y/n)..." Rita whispers slightly.

I looked at her and smile, before I kissed her forehead and hug her, which she gladly returns.

"Thank you, for being there always for me." I whispered softly in her ears. "My sweet dear, Rita."

Rita couldn't bear it as she buried her face on my chest, crying as she held me tightly.

"Otto..." My eyes glances at him and smile. "...Thank you, for everything, I'll try to lend a hand when I can."

"Of course, my friend." Otto said, gently patting my shoulder with a sad smile. "If you need anything, just give me a call."

Giving a last hug to Rita, I pulled away and smile at her before I turned on my heel and left. When the door closes behind me, my hand clench my chest as it felt pained for some reason, with a shaky sigh, I smile softly before I walked the halls and saw Theresa along with the other Valkyries. My mouth opens before it closes and remembered.

"Ah, that's right...." I softly smile as I walked the other way. "...They don't want to see their incompetent captain."

"Now, where should I go?"

(Rita's POV)

Pain and anger, that is all I feel as I stood and watched him go. Pain that he was betrayed and for leaving and anger to the ones whom he gave his trust to.

To 'them', everything he does doesn't seem enough to satisfy them, he has worked his hardest to the point as if he was already their slave!

It pains me so much to see the work he has done is never rewarded, nor does he ask for a reward at all.

Master (Y/n) is such a kind person, and to him, a simple smile and thank you was already enough for him, claiming that it was his 'drive' to work harder to give the others a tomorrow and to protect their smiles.

My dear master (Y/n), so kind and innocent and to be treated so lowly, is something I hate the most, especially those 'Valkyries'.

(Otto's POV)

Disappointment, that is all I feel as I sat on ym chair, rubbing my forehead as I waited for Theresa and the other Valkyries.

"To think they will do such a thing..." I softly said angrily.

He didn't deserve it, not a single bit of their harsh words and how they played his heart, he was so kind, he, didn't deserve any of it.

As I bit my lips in anger, my eyes suddenly caught sight of a folder with a lable of 'Classified Information'. Grabing the folder, I opened it and saw (Y/n)'s information, which only has a little to none information about him.

"You really are a mystery." I whisper.

(Y/n) (L/n), a mysterious person that I and the others found encased in ice after discovering an underground city in the north pole.

Many people had made investigations on the city and found it to be, peculiar, the writing on the walls, like hieroglyphic but different but the way it was all made, it was as if it was a warning of some sort, the next are the lights that comes from those crystals, shining brightly from an unknown source, everything in the city is different and what is more surprising is that, the city, seems to be well cared, like, someone has made the city pristine condition.

But the most peculiar is that, (Y/n) gives off a reading of a herscher or better yet, something more powerful than a herrscher.

But along with (Y/n)'s discovery, unknown mosters has been popping out everywhere and praying on flesh, devouring them ad evolving the more they eat and it made me think that (Y/n) is akin to pandora's box.

Before I can think of theories to who my friend is, I heard the door opens and in came Rita with the Valkyries.

"Master Otto, Theresa and the rest are here." She said as she gave way to them and recieves a harsh glare from Rita.

"U-uhm, did we do something, Rita?" Kiana chuckled nervously.

Rita didn't answer but scoffed as she stood beside Otto.

"Ladies, please, sit down." I said with a smile.

They all looked at me and noticed that unlike my usual smile, this one seems to be more cold.

Oh, how they all knew.

They all took a seat as I leaned back and having Rita pour me a cup of tea and noticed that she was barely restraining herself from doing something she won't regret.

"Why have you called us, grandpa?" Theresa asked nervously.

"I am glad you ask, Theresa..." I said with a smile before it disappears and asked with a serious tone in my voice.

"Let us talk about Captain (Y/n)."

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