"It's not that simple." Louis toys with his wristband, not wanting to look Zayn in the eyes. It's really not simple. He has already talked to his people on both sides, wheedling enough tech to them that he's pretty sure he gave one of the old, fat men in a suit an orgasm. But for nothing. There was no word on Gemma, on where she was sent off to or even who took her. Louis spent a solid two years trying to locate her, not only because she was so vital to the Unconformists, but also because her - along with Zayn - were his best mates, the only people he could whole heartedly trust. He gave up the search, though. Because he came to the realization that he was looking for Gemma, and she is anything but a surrenderer. If she wanted to be found, to come back to them, then she would have by now. Gemma would've found a way if she was able to. And, as much as it hurts to know this, Gemma has to be really gone to have not resurfaced by now.

"You really don't think that he can do it?" Zayn pipes up again just as the low specks of the outbound's city lights come to life in a muted ember colour. "I mean, he obviously isn't that loyal. He didn't even turn me in when I manipulated my words right to his face."

"Or maybe he didn't turn you in because you look like an Adonis and it's kind of terrifying to even think about selling you out."

"Shut up, Lou. All I'm saying is that you know that Gemma was already preparing him for the recruit before she left. Maybe it actually worked more than we thought."

Maybe it did. Gemma had worked obscenely hard at gathering information to sway Harry. She attended countless Truth Talks that she'd drag them to, forcing all of them to take notes so that she could subtly show Harry that what The Movement is doing is unfair. And from what she told them, it had been working. Maybe they can recruit Harry. It'd take a lot of work, a lot of time that Louis honestly doesn't have, but they need him. Or his genetics, at least.

"It'd take a lot of work, but we could probably do it." Louis concedes. "Now, will you stop blathering about someone with curls and actually focus. We have to get all of the supplies in without being mobbed, and I'd like to have a partner in crime that isn't thinking about things that I can't change."

Zayn scoffs and jostles Louis' shoulder before standing. "You can't fool me, Tommo. That arsehole persona can only help you for so long."

"Shut up," Louis mumbles fondly, fastening his harness to the tube's shell and walking to the cockpit. The supplies will take at least a few trips just to get it to HQ, and it'd be best if they didn't run into anyone while bringing them in. The Unconformists like to check all of the supplies they bring before they're administered. Always wary of another poisoning thanks to the always tactful Movement.

Louis and Zayn spend hours lugging massive boxes laden with food, water, and tech that he made himself to the Head Distributer, Paul. It's hard work but it's work that they need to do. Paul actually laughs at Louis' face as soon as he barges into his office.

"How'd you get that, lad? Your mate not treating you well?" Paul asks, spitting the word 'mate' like its rancid.

Louis rolls his eyes jovially dropping a box and nodding for Zayn to go back and get another load.

"Liam's great, actually, thanks."

"I'm sure he is great. And loyal to The Movement, still, I suppose?" Paul sighs at Louis' silence. "Lou, you're just playing into their hands if you keep this up. Either recruit him of rid yourself of him."

Louis fights the urge to rip the thought censors - the ones that Louis made for a great number of The Unconformists - off of Paul's head just so that he won't have to listen to him anymore. Louis knows what he should do, but he doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to rid himself of Liam, but he also knows that Liam is someone that would never look at him the same f he knew how much Louis was hiding from him. Liam is loyal to The Movement, through and through. His first thought when Louis had shown him the thought censors was for him to immediately give the blueprints to The Movement. Louis had to lie, of course, and told Liam that they were just prototypes. That he's only made two this far. When really he's already carted off hundreds to the Unconformists.

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