hell is coming

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hell is coming, it really is. This pandemic that's going on is just our start. I wonder what's going to happen honestly, Illinois is ripping itself apart. Never in my 16 years of life would I have imagined that I would see a country fall part within seconds and betray in each other. Everything in history book seems to be reoccurring in this present time, sometimes I wonder if that's how it's meant to be. Are we trapped? Trapped to the point where we relive the same scenarios but in different forms. It's crazy, besides that I still feel like people aren't realizing what e Simpson's has to do with this. They are predicting everything yet people don't pay much attention to it. Whoever is controlling it, and whoever is on the other end of our suffering knows us. They know everything but we are naive. We only want to believe it until it's too late. My mother spoke to me earlier, about her feeling as if a predictions of hers may come true . My mother has never been this insane before, it makes me wonder if she has something connected to what is happening. As long as I live now, I don't know what to expect. I'm distracting myself to not think of the worse but sometimes thinking is necessary in things like this and honestly. If I die, I guess it will be alone. Although I'll have people who love me.
That's what matters.

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