Mabel gigged nervously, trying to flush away the nerves as she slowed her breathing.

"Anne, may.. may I speak to you.. privately? I-I-I have to tell you something.. It's important." Mabel swallowed thickly, clutching the wooden box close to her chest. "It's.. It's important."

"Why, of course!" Anne grinned, taking her hand and leading her away. "The sunset is ever so beautiful this time of year, don't you agree?"

"Ye-Yes, I suppose it is." Mabel replied, her heart hammering against her chest and echoing in her ears.

Mabel gripped Anne's hand tighter, causing chills to shoot down the redheaded girl's spine and goosebumps to arise on her pale skin.

"Trust me, the view is ever more lovely up there." Anne pointed to a low hanging tree branch, before maneuvering herself up the trunk until she sat herself on the branch. She rested her hands on either side of her body and leaned forward with a grin, "Trust me."

Mabel gulped, looking down at the box she held in her hands. "Um.. I-I.. I don't know, Anne."

"Please! Here, hand me that. I'll hold it." Mabel reluctantly raised her arms, handing the box to Anne before struggling to climb the tree.

Mabel's heart dropped at the sound of fabric tearing, but she brushed it off as something to worry about later. After minutes of struggling, Mabel finally sat herself beside Anne on the tree branch.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" Anne asked softly, watching as Mabel wiped the sweat from her forehead and tried to catch her breath.

Mabel paused, momentarily feeling the rush of regrets and second thoughts wash over her as she gazed at Anne. "Um.. just.. just open the box."

Anne knitted her eyebrows together as she looked down at the wooden box she held. Looking back up, she met Mabel's eyes and silently asked for permission. "Are you sure?"

"Just-Just do it, Anne." Mabel hadn't meant to sound snappy, but she just wanted to get this over with and escape from the mind numbingly nerve racking situation.

Anne nodded, slowly opening the box and knitting her eyebrows together. Mabel sighed, looking down at the dirty fabric of her dress. "Read them, all of them, before you react..Please."

Anne nodded slowly, taking out the first letter. With trembling hands, she opened the letter and began to read.

After what felt like hours to Mabel, she pulled out the final letter. Agonizingly slow, Anne's eyes read over the words as she absorbed the contents of each word she'd read over the past thirty minutes.

Mabel's heart dropped as Anne blinked slowly, folding the letter and gripping it in her hands.

"These.. you wrote all of these.. for me?" Anne looked up from the final letter, teary eyed and red faced. "You.. you love me?"

Mabel nodded, avoiding Anne's eyes. "I love you, Anne.. and if you don't feel the same, I understand. I certainly hope that this doesn't-"

Mabel's sentence was cut short by Anne's lips connecting with hers. Mabel gasped, breaking the kiss and glancing at Anne's eyes before reconnecting their lips.

A sigh of relief left Mabel's lips as her heart jumped for joy. The happiness she felt almost didn't feel real as Anne cupped her cheeks, gently brushing her thumb against the apple of her cheek.

Anne's lips were soft and warm against Mabel's cold ones, sending chills down her spine.

Anne smiled into the kiss, unable to hold back the joyful laugh from leaving her lips as she pulled back from the kiss. "I can't believe it.. This is real, right?"

Joyful tears streamed down her face as she leaned forward, reconnecting their lips as she gripped the fabric of Anne's dress in her hands, unable to get enough of the taste of Anne's lips.

"This is real."

Anne giggled, leaning her forehead against Mabel's forehead and gazing into her eyes.

And there they sat together, cast in a golden light.


{ A/n: This is the end... im sad }

{ Edited: No }

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