💀Prolonged youth;


💀Electromagnetic interference;

💀Wind Manipulation;



💀Lack of presence / natural stealth;

💀Aura control.


💀She is not able to be immortal,

💀Easily influenced by the emotional state, even if not spontaneously;

💀It is a power that can easily kill;

💀Teleportation is limited to places with "the essence of death";

💀Time manipulation is limited to half an hour, but Fujiko only endures ten minutes because it is extremely exhausting both physically and psychologically;

💀Although it is a temporal manipulation, it is only a form of "projection of the past" where it shows events without being able to intervene and interact;

💀Extremely influenced by emotions, being able to get out of control and unconsciously hurt innocent people;

💀The astral projection lasts only ten minutes;

💀Your astral projection leaves your body vulnerable, since the "resurrection" only works when the soul and body are united and if it were attacked in this condition it would die;

💀Both invisibility, intangibility and electromagnetic interference only work when she uses astral projection;

💀Overuse of wind manipulation comes with side effects like migraines and muscle aches;

💀Her necromancy can only summon a single person for a period of five minutes because it is physically demanding;

More details about the quirk:

💀Spiritual Empathy gives people the ability to "hear the voice of the soul" of people;

💀Fujiko calls the ability to "hear the voice of the soul" of people "to sense the aura";

💀She also explains that "auras" are thoughts of people who present themselves as words that reach the brain directly and not the ear;

💀Sometimes Fujiko suffers from the side effect of her empathy which has been called "Empathic Stress" which is a mental strain in which she overloads herself with the thoughts and emotions of the people around her and makes her lose control of her peculiarity;

💀Aura manipulation is the ability to feel the good and evil of people, as well as the ability to see their auras. Simply put, she can read people's thoughts, capturing "the voice of the soul" with her "spiritual empathy";

💀Fujiko is the only person who can "hear the voice of the soul", both from her and from the others who emit them. It can also emit "Poisonous Auras", which is different from its electric waves. With its poisonous auras, it can potentially kill with its powers;

💀The "resurrection" is just the fact that it allows an extraordinary regeneration and even if the body is destroyed, but it can regenerate as long as it is on a part of the body (example: a limb, a piece of organ, etc.);

💀Places with the "essence of death" are places with a certain level of paranormal activity or places with high concentrations of the energy of the dead (cemeteries, morgues or places of murder or tragedy where the soul cannot rest in peace;

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