Chapter 8- The Big News

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Chandler and I arrive at my house, I invite him in. My mom says hello and I bring him up to my room. We both sit on bean bags.

"Ok, so I wanted to talk to you about something." Chandler tells me.

"Ok, what?" I ask, scooting closer to him.

"We haven't made ourselves public yet. Nobody knows we're dating. Do you want to wait?" He says playing with his watch.

I think for a moment. I'd rather be with Chandler in peace without paparazzi chasing us around on every date for as long as possible. The word will get out some day, though.

"I say we hold out for as long as possible. We're gonna have to make it public soon though. Especially if I'm on the walking dead." I say taking his hand. He rubs my hand and looks into my eyes.

"I agree." He says.

Later on, we kiss goodbye, and my mom starts to make dinner. Her phone rings. She picks up, and says "Cindy Hanson." Then she immediately starts crying. But then I see she is laughing. It's a happy cry! "Are you serious? Thank you! Ok. I'll tell her now. Thanks. Bye." And she hangs up.

I sit on the couch, petrified, waiting to hear what is going on. Multiple thoughts race through my brain. Wait- could it be?

Then my mom turns to me, rushes over to the couch, and takes a deep breath.

"AMC's The Walking Dead: Starring Jenna Hanson." She says simply.

I freeze.

Then start crying.

"Mom, a-are you serious?" I say through my cries.

"Yes, honey! I'm so proud of you!" She says hugging me and rocking me back and forth.

"Ok, you call dad and Clara. I'm going to tell my friends!!" I say with a jump and squeal.

I scurry up the stairs, and grab my phone. I immediately call chandler.

"Hi baby, what's up?" He answers.

"Hi! Guess what?" I says

"Babe are you crying? What is it?" He asks sounding worried.

"No, I'm ok. It's just we're gonna be on the same show together. I booked TWD!!!!" I tell him excitedly.

He is silent for a moment.

"Oh-oh my god! Wow! I'm so proud of you! Yes I knew you could do it! I can't wait!" He says so excitedly.

We finally hang up after a while, I tell Olivia, and my mom and I eat dinner.

I go to bed, and happily cry myself to sleep. All of my dreams are coming true.

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