More details about the quirk:

🌸Hana's nails are usually light blue, indicating that she is in good health;

🌸But when her nails turn gray it is a sign that she is sick

🌸The quirk influences the color of your nails depending on the chronological time of the day:

🌸White nails during sunny days;

🌸Black nails representing the night sky;

🌸Grey during eclipses;

🌸Black with silver dots means night with shooting star or rain of shooting stars depending on how many points there are.

[Professional Information]


Onkuu Music School


Music teacher

Grand Master

[Personal information]


Hana proves to be a calm, optimistic, easily sociable, honest, loyal, friendly, energetic woman and most of the time seen with a smile. She is also easily excited and excited, but she is also very emotional and is easily moved to tears in various situations by relief, sadness and frustration.

Hana is also someone who is calm, polite, loyal, zealous, intuitive, diplomatic, always trying to solve problems civilly first and sometimes acts maternally, caring for others' well-being and caring for her loved ones before herself. A good example standing when she scolds someone for stupid acts.

Although she always has the impression of being a cheerful and kind woman, never abuse her kindness and patience or irritate her until she loses her composure, because when someone harms loved ones she seems to become someone else: She shows a serious attitude , cold and sadistic using a threatening tone to intimidate anyone who tries to hurt or insult their family.


Tayaki, traditional Japanese music, being with loved ones, picnics, hiking, quiet places, sunny climates, playing traditional instruments, drawing, horseback riding, birds.


People who have fun at the expense of others, bullying, hypocritical people, harm loved ones, cowardice, disrespect historical culture, people who judge only by appearance, perverts.


Drawing and painting, literature (romantic), horseback riding, playing traditional Japanese instruments, strategy games, Kyudo (archery), sumiê, shodou.


Catsaridafobia (phobia to cockroaches)



Yagi Toshinori (Husband)

Yagi Fujiko (adopted daughter)

Yagi Nana (daughter)

Yagi Hikari (daughter)


Aizawa Tsubaki


Recovery Girl






All Might

Love interest:

Yagi Toshinori (Husband)


Power: 2/5

Speed: 3/5

Technique: 4/5

Intelligence: 4/5

Cooperation: 4/5


🌸For obvious reasons for both her safety and that of her family, the relationship between her and her husband is kept secret from society;

🌸Hana is the owner of her family's music school;

🌸She has been a practitioner of Biwa, Koto, shakuhachi, shamisen and sanshin since her childhood;

🌸It was she who taught her daughters to play all the instruments that the twins know;

🌸Hana and Tsubaki are childhood friends due to their parents' influence due to business;

🌸Hana has a snowy owl as a pet and is called Athena.

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