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"Momo,  can you take Todoroki-kun to that place we went to yesterday?"

Uraraka was standing beside Todoroki, who looked straight at Yaoyorozu.

"Huh?" Yaoyorozu had no clue why she had to take him shopping. Can't he do it himself?

"He says he's never went shopping for clothes since his sister usually buys him clothes," Ochako explained to her. "I would take him but I still need to arrange things with Mina. She asked me to help her with preparations today."

Yaoyorozu didn't mind helping out a friend but it still confused her.

Todoroki sighed. "Sorry, I just don't understand very much about festival clothing. Or clothes in general."

Yaoyorozu shook her head. "Don't worry about it!" She noticed that no one else was in the room.

That must be why Uraraka asked her.

"Are you ready?" Yaoyorozu asked giving a friendly smile. Todoroki nodded. "Okay then, let's go."


The usual strong smell of the store hit Yaoyorozu quicker then the doors opened. It must've hit Todoroki too because he bent backward in a surprised way. Yaoyorozu grabbed his sleeve. "Come on, let's go get you an outfit!"

She pulled him to the male section, looking for the Yukatas'.

Todoroki looked completely confused. He obvious didn't have a clue where to start. Yaoyorozu couldn't help but burst out laughing. She quickly covered her mouth when she saw his upset frown.

It was adorable, but Yaoyorozu didn't want to admit it.

"Okay, look," She grabbed a shirt that was misplaced in the yukata section. "You just start searching the clothes that are hung up on these racks until you find something you like."

Todoroki did what she said. "See, it's not hard at all. Unless you're picky," She laughed.

10 minutes passed until Todoroki suddenly stopped looking. He raised his brow at a yukata he pulled out. Yaoyorozu walked over beside him. "Did You find-" She looked at the black and blue patterned yukata. "Will this work?" He asked.

"Absolutely," She smiled. "It matches you perfectly."

He smiled too. However it was only a slight and brief smile.

They walked over to the cashier and bought the yukata before leaving the sweet scented store.

A toy store loomed to the right of the street. Something caught Yaoyorozu's eye.

"Ah!" She couldn't believe it. Todoroki curiously looked at her. "Are you okay?"

Yaoyorozu ran in the store and came out seconds later with a koala plushie.

Todoroki was dumbfounded.

"I've always wanted this since I was a kid!" She squeezed it. "I can't believe it still exists!"

Todoroki had a drop of sweat going down the side of his head.

She held it out in front of him. "Isn't it cute?"

He peered down at it. "Y-yea..."

Yaoyorozu held it tight while they walked back to the dorm. Todoroki was close beside her.

~ Todoroki's p.o.v ~

He didn't know how to put a yukata on. He didn't want to wear it.

He stood in the bathroom holding it.

With a sigh he somehow managed to out on the heaps of fabric. 

(P.s. I honestly think Todoroki has actually worn a Yukata 'kimono' but we'll just pretend for now that he hasn't)

Todoroki stared at himself in the mirror for awhile before taking it back off. He set it on a chair.

A sudden and odd thought crossed his mind.

What is Yaoyorozu going to wear? He was shocked at his thought. Todoroki shook his head to clear his mind.

3 days until the festival

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