Chapter One

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“Eloise!” I hear Mother's warbling voice call.

I hurry into the parlour, my skirts swishing around me. Smiling politely, I kneel in front of Mother's grand armchair, smoothing my dress and looking up at her expectantly.

“Eloise, you are betrothed.”

There is no emotion in her voice as she says this, no indication as to how this came to be. Her face is set like stone, she regards me as one might look upon their possessions, something to sell and buy at the twitch of her will. 

“Pardon me, Mother?” I rise from my kneeling position, a gloved hand flying to the locket at my neck.

Mother looks up at me sharply, “Eloise, do not look at me like that. Do not look at anybody like that; it is very unattractive. And yes, you are betrothed. To a young man named Emmanuel Colleton of Stonegate.”

“Mother, I do not even know this man and you are saying I am betrothed to him!” I exclaim.

Mother gets to her feet, “Oh, do not make such a racket, Eloise! It is most unbecoming of you. Of course you don't know Emmanuel, you were betrothed to him when you were seven.”

“Mother, why did you not inform me of this before?” I ask, aghast.

Mother raises an eyebrow, standing and saying, “Eloise, I am not fond of your tone, so I suggest you refrain from taking it with me. Now, Emmanuel and his family will be arriving tomorrow. They are staying for the summer and your wedding will be held just after summer ends. I expect your attitude and etiquette to be immaculate.”

“Mother, just how old is this Emmanuel?” I question anxiously. 

Mother sighs exasperatedly, “He is only twenty, Eloise. Stop being so ungrateful. He is a wonderful man and he will keep you very happy.”

“Are you sure, Mother?” I inquire icily. 

Mother's response is to slap me with the back of her hand. I fight the urge to cradle my stinging cheek. I know from experience that this just makes Mother angrier and that is not what I want right now. I need some sort of escape, so I can think about this and come to some form of solution that can get me out of this promise.

“What did I say about using that tone with me? I shan't tolerate this nonsense at all tomorrow. Understood?”

“Yes, Mother.” I reply, my eyes downcast.

“This is your chance to make your life your own.” Mother sighs, smiling sadly, “You won't have to look after your old biddy of a mother any more. I am going to take to my bed for the night. Instruct Mary or Gerard to light the lamps.”

“Yes, Mother.” I sigh, attempting to smile. There is no way out; not that I can see right now.

Mother pats the same cheek she slapped just moments before and withdraws from the room. I collapse into the armchair Mother has just vacated and close my eyes.

“Miss Eloise, do you require some tea?” 

I open my eyes to look up at a woman. She wears a maid's garments and her long locks of auburn hair are secured in a bun at the nape of her neck. She is bearing a cup of tea. Mary - not just a maid, but the woman who takes care of all the duties that concern me, my best friend, my almost-mother, my confidante. She means the world to me, and right now, she can most probably sense the turmoil I am drowning in.

“No, thank you, Mary. Could you accompany me to my room?” I smile warmly at her.

“Of course, Miss Eloise.”

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