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Tilte: What Ur Quirk Would Be
Words: 175
Made: Saturday March 14
Published: Sunday march 15
Aries: Water Manipulation
[can make any thing with water]
Cancer: Fire
[Can burn things and start fires]
Taurus: Earth
[Can control the ground and plants/trees around u]
Leo: Ice
[Can freeze thing and make a colder climate]
Gemini: Electricity
[Can use/make Electricity to attack the person ur up against]
Virgo: Lullaby
[Can make some one fall into a deep sleep]
Libra: fairy
[ can fly and can use floating magics] (I guess u can call it that)
Capricorn: nightmares
[can make people have nightmares and can control the nightmare there having]
Scorpio: animal transformation
[Can turn into anime animal but u have to know what it looks like]
Aquarius: person transformation
[ can turn into someone and gain the personal and thoughts but u have to know there name and what they look like]
Sagittarius: planet Manipulation
[Can turn planets into weapons]
pisces: puppets
[Can turn a object or living creature into a puppet to use at ur command]

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